My presentation for today is.....
Robert Frost(1874–1963). Miscellaneous Poems to 1920.1920. |
12. The Runaway |
(FromThe Amherst Monthly, June 1918.) |
Hope you have enjoyed it. Susan |
My presentation for today is.....
Robert Frost(1874–1963). Miscellaneous Poems to 1920.1920. |
12. The Runaway |
(FromThe Amherst Monthly, June 1918.) |
Hope you have enjoyed it. Susan |
Today I would like to continue the theme I started last week. Art by the universe through the lens ,be it large, The Hubble, or small ,a camera.
This is my neighborhood, Sedona Arizona. Famous for it's beautiful red rock landscapes. Located in the high desert of the state we have a mild winter here but a winter none the less and there is nothing more beautiful than the red rocks after a snowfall.
My good friend Shirley Millar took these wonderful photographs last weekend after just such a snowfall and when she emailed them to me the first thing I asked was if I could post them for Art Sunday. She gave me permission so here they are and I hope you enjoy them.
Please note they are under copyright. Thank you.
All you doggie lovers out there check out this great poem, sort of sad, from my friend at A Paw Up Rescue's blog.
At this time of the year I always start looking towards summer. The fact that it is very cold outside is one reason and the other is that is when I take my real vacation. A hard working massage therapist must always take some extended time off or we just fall apart. My old body must rest it's muscles. I know that some people think massage is all airy fairy, but I do meat and potatoes massage. Which is medical and therapeutic massage, deep tissue stlye to the uninitiated and let me tell you, it is hard work.
So vacation.....I was very glad to hear from my good friend Hans, who lives in Amsterdam, telling me he was coming to visit this summer. He usually does this about every two years and it is a joy. We are very close friends and we have a ball together. He is coming on June 14th and that is my "Light at the End of the Tunnel" this is what will get me throught the rest of the winter. I will take off the time he is here and we will be hanging around the pool with our good friends from New York, Rick and Megan. Megan owns a great house with a pool and we will be mouching off of her. Lots of cocktails and shrimp on the barbie. Of course mine will be portabello mushrooms, but it is the idea that counts.
We will raise a glass to summer, even though it is hot as hell out here, it is not so bad inside with the old swamp cooler going. The dryer and hotter it gets out, the more cold air that thing makes. When you are by the pool you don't care any way because you get hot you just jump in. And the nights , well the nights are paradise in the desert. The minute the sun goes down the termperature drops twenty degrees and there you are with 80 degree weather, the stars shining and well what else can I say.
That silly picture at the top of the page is my insane friends. Hans is the blonde, Megan in the yellow top, Rick with no cloths and armpit, and that little smidge of face in the corner is me oh and that blonde bump sticking up is Luke dogs rear end, you know there had to be some furry ones around somewhere. Rick took this picture with a timer and didn't aim too well. Any way you get the idea.
Have a great week, I am thinking about summer.
I had planned on showcasing Hieronymus Bosch the Dutch painter. His paintings are morbid fantasies of torture and punishment, but when I stepped out side this morning to walk Jake and Goldie I realized that it was just too beautiful of a day to even look at his paintings. The snow was lightly falling, it was not cold. Just that perfect snow cold and so damp, which is something we have been missing in Arizona for a while. The moisture was so wonderful I could not stop breathing it in. Being Saturday and about 8:30 AM it was quite, no cars on the road in my neighborhoor at all. No people , just me and the dogs. It was glorious. Right at that moment I decided I wanted to share for Art Sunday some beautiful art of the universe, mother nature at her best. Brought to us by the wonderful Hubble Telescope with a technique I certainly can't explain. A good friend had emailed me some pictures but I couldn't get them on my blog so I decided to go directly to the source, Hubble Site, where you can pick and choose what ever you might want to look at and then enlarge them, galaxy, universe, what ever you want. So here is the link. I really hope you enjoy yourself and I hope your day was as wonderful as mine.
I have always been a big fan of 80s pop songs. So here are some of my favorites. Some are very silly...
First Modern English doing I Melt With You, I so love this song
I know some of you could really care less about this information, but I know there are a few of you out there who do appreciate it, so here we have some good winter weather tips from the ASPCA about our furry friends.
CHECK IT OUT, PET PARENTS: HOT TIPS FOR COLD WEATHERWinter may have made a late debut in many parts of the country, but it has certainly arrived in full force. With the thermometer dipping lower and lower, the ASPCA wants to remind you that your four-legged companions may also be feeling the chill. Here are some tips to keep them safe and sound until springtime:
- Be on the lookout for any antifreeze or engine coolant spills that might occur when preparing your car for winter. “These products contain chemicals that are harmful to animals,” says Dr. Steven Hansen, a veterinary toxicologist at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. “It’s important that you remember to store any potentially harmful chemicals in clearly marked, sealed containers in areas that are inaccessible to your pets.”
- Even if your pets are indoor/outdoor creatures, make sure their outdoor areas are well-sheltered from the cold and wind. If possible, keep animals inside, especially during cold spells and inclement weather.
- Take care that your pet has plenty of water. “Winter air can be very drying, leaving pets just as dehydrated as they are during the hot summer months,” says Dr. Louise Murray, Director of Medicine at the ASPCA Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital.
- During the winter, outdoor cats sometimes crawl under the hoods of cars for warmth—but a car’s fan belt can kill or injure an animal when the motor starts. If there are outdoor or feral cats in your neighborhood, please bang on the hood of the car and wait a few seconds before turning on the engine.
For our complete list of cold weather tips, visit visitASPCA online.
I am trying again...This poem is for my friend Janie, who wondered if I was familiar with it after I posted another Dylan Thomas poem. So I decided I would post it for her.
Sorry about all the screw ups. Hope everyone will get to see this. This link goes directly to the poem.
My presentation for Movie Monday is
The Queen
starring Helen Mirren as Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth of Great Britan
I just saw this movie last weekend and I was very excited about what a great movie it is. I found the movie dramatic and heart wrenching. I was talking about it for days after.
The story takes place during the week after the death of Princess Diana when the Royal Family choose not to make any statements regarding her death. The country turned against the Queen and the Royal Family. This is their side of the story.
Here is the link to the officail website for the movie where you can find a great deal of information regarding the making of the movie. Also great trailers, interviews and a wonderful gallery of pictures from the film.
I hope you will see this movie in the theaters as it has been nominated for many awards that will be given out soon.
It really is great.
This picture is what it feels like around my house this morning, according to the weather on my Earthlink Page it was 7 degrees out side my single wide this morning. I believe it . I don't even want to take the dogs for a walk. Maybe we will just wait for a few more cups of coffee and hope the sun does it's thing and warms this place up a little.
Since I have no posting for Art Sunday this morning. Seems like my imagination went on vacation. I will do some catching up.
First, Smokey the poor pit bull that couldn't find a home seems to have a little guardian angel sitting on his shoulder. His persons were able to find a house to rent from a really nice man who loves all dogs and is even willing to put up a fence for him. I just love stories that have happy endings.
My foster kitties ( I think I mentioned them) are still with us. I am hoping that their real mother and her son will be finding a place to stay soon because as much as I love these kids, it is getting really crowded in our home and the newbies are getting really happy living here. I feel sorry for them because they will have to move again. At least they will be with their real family.
Lastly hands up all you HOUSE MD fans. I see there are quit a few of you out there. What did you think of how he got out of going to jail (sort of) I mean he did apologize to everyone and the judge made him spend one night in jail but he still had his drugs. He just seems to get away with every thing. So I am making a poll. Let me know what you think.
Heard the other day it was Joan Baez's birthday, so for Song Saturday I thought we could use a little Joan. This is one of my favorite songs she performed and she actually wrote it. What a voice, clear as a bell
Dear Friends and Supporters of the ASPCA:
It gives me great pleasure to tell you that ASPCA® Mission: Orange™ is now officially underway. Launched today from our shelter in New York City, ASPCA® Mission: Orange™ is a focused, measurable effort to create a country of humane communities, one community at a time, where animals receive the compassion and respect due to them as sentient beings, and where there is no more unnecessary euthanasia of adoptable animals simply because of a lack of resources or awareness.
With the collaboration of community and animal welfare leaders in "target communities" across the country, it is our hope that we will begin to effect immediate, measurable and sustainable change for animals in these communities, especially for those animals most at risk: the shelter population. To this end, the ASPCA will be focusing the bulk of its resources, both financial and programmatic, on building capacity and animal welfare efforts in these communities, aimed at reaching a day when they are sustainable. This will allow the ASPCA to then enter new communities and bring them under the umbrella of ASPCA® Mission: Orange™—and thus, community by community, create an entire country of humane communities.
On this website, you will find details on the fine work all our partners are doing in the 2007 ASPCA® Mission: Orange™ target communities. Please visit these pages often, since they will be constantly updated, and let us know what you think of our combined efforts. Remember, your community leaders are in the trenches, fighting animal cruelty, day in and day out. I hope you will give your community heroes the encouragement and acknowledgement they so deserve. Most of all, though, thank you for caring about the fate of animals around the country—it is because of your support and faith that the ASPCA is able to undertake such an ambitious campaign—one that we are convinced will succeed.
"Poetry Is just the evidence of life.
If your life is burning well,
poetry is just the ash."
Leonard Cohen
Last night I watched a DVD entitled "Leonard Cohen, I'm Your Man" a tribute to Leonard Cohen with many wonderful performers doing his material. Great singers all because his words deserve only the best. While I was watching this I remembered what a great poet he is and how wonderful it would be if I featured him on Poetry Wednesday. He has written poetry whick has been published, but mostly we know him for his songs, which are true poetry.
I feature two here today, from the tribute DVD. I know you will enjoy them. The first is Leonard and a few fans doing "Tower of Song" and the second I am sure you have heard before performed by Rufus Wainwright, who performs it here. "Hallalujah". What a beautiful song.
I thought I would leave this really cute doggie picture here for a good friend who is a dog person and I am pretty sure she will like this. Who wouldn't.
Happy Tuesday
My weekly news installment from the ASPCA. Lets take time to think about the other species of animals in our lives as we come up to Go Orange For Animals Day on January 10th. Lets see that orange.
TODAY IS NATIONAL BIRD DAY—ARE YOUR FEATHERED FRIENDS SAFE?January 5 marks the fifth annualNational Bird Day, a time to appreciate the birds in our own backyard and reflect on how we treat native avians of other countries. And if you have companion birds in your home, it’s a great time to think about how to ensure that your feathered friends remain happy and healthy. To help raise awareness about responsible bird caretaking, we’re offering the following poison prevention tips to keep your companion avian in the “sing” of things:
* Birds are highly sensitive to inhalant fumes, so please avoid exposing yours to fumes from self-cleaning ovens and overheated cookware, automobile exhaust, tobacco smoke, glues and paints, insecticidal fumigants, perfume and hair spray.
* Keep all prescription and over-the-counter drugs out of beak's reach, preferably in closed cabinets. Pain killers, cold medicines, anticancer drugs, vitamins and diet pills are all examples of human medications that can be lethal to birds, even in small amounts.
* Never allow your bird access to areas in which cleaning agents are being used or stored. Should your pet ingest them, he could suffer from a range of symptoms, depending on the substance, from mild stomach upset to severe burns of the tongue, mouth and crop.
* Foods and beverages that could be dangerous to birds include:
- avocados
- chocolate in any form
- coffee & tea
- moldy or spoiled foods
- onions & garlic
- tomato leaves and stems
- yeast dough
Please feel free toforward this information to all the pet bird parents in your life. For additional bird safety tips, visitASPCA online.
WEAR YOUR ORANGE FOR ANIMALS ON JANUARY 10!Here at the ASPCA, we’re going orange in a big way in 2007—and we need your support. Make sure to check our website next Wednesday, when we officially announce plans to help homeless animals this year and beyond.... You might say we’re on a mission!
In the meantime, get ready to show your love and support for animals by going orange in any way you can next Wednesday—and tell all your animal-loving friends and co-workers, too! Send in photos of how you went orange for animals and the ASPCA on January 10, and you could make it into a futureASPCA News Alert. Email your photos by January 26…and thank you for all you do for the animals!
Shown above are more of my furry family. You have meet Khay the Elder before, the one lying down, and the other is his younger brother, Wannabe. Arn't they beautiful. Of course I am prejudice. \
Happy Friday, you all have a great weekend.
Dylan Thomas was born in Wales in 1914. He was a neurotic, sickly child who shied away from school and preferred reading on his own; he read all ofD. H. Lawrence's poetry, impressed by Lawrence's descriptions of a vivid natural world. Fascinated by language, he excelled in English and reading, but neglected other subjects and dropped out of school at sixteen. His first book,Eighteen Poems, was published to great acclaim when he was twenty. Thomas did not sympathize withT. S. Eliot andW. H. Auden's thematic concerns with social and intellectual issues, and his writing, with its intense lyricism and highly charged emotion, has more in common with the Romantic tradition. Thomas first visited America in January 1950, at the age of thirty-five. His reading tours of the United States, which did much to popularize the poetry reading as new medium for the art, are famous and notorious, for Thomas was the archetypal Romantic poet of the popular American imagination: he was flamboyantly theatrical, a heavy drinker, engaged in roaring disputes in public, and read his work aloud with tremendous depth of feeling. He became a legendary figure, both for his work and the boisterousness of his life. Tragically, he died from alcoholism at the age of 39 after a particularly long drinking bout in New York City in 1953. This has always been a favorite poem of mine. I hope you will like it also.
A little tid bit of trivia "The White Horse Tavern " where Dylan Thomas literally drank himself to death was my neighborhood bar, one block from my apartment, in New York City. I went there for many years until it turned into a college yuppie hang out. What a loose to the great taverns of this world. click White Horse Tavern |
I decided I would have a New Years Resolution. A really easy one. Before I start work everyday I am going to make sure I read the comics. I use to get the paper and that was the thing I did with breadfast. Then I started reading them on line from the paper I use to get. So I have them all set up, the ones I like one right after the other, but I sort of fell off the wagon and wasn't reading them for awhile. Now I have decided I need to start my day in a good mood this year and what a better way to do it than reading the comics. I have just finished the comics, my oatmeat and my coffee and I feel much better.
Who out there likes the comics and which one is your favorite. Comics arn't just for kids.
The picture is of my sister Robin and I from when they were visiting. It is an overlook above the valley I live in. The Verde Valley and we are on Mingus Mountain.
I just realized that you can not see the view from where we were standing and this silly Yahoo won't let me, for some reason, delete the picture without losing what I have we are still on Mingus Mountain, you just can't see the Valley.