I am a couple of days late for AmFar's disignated National Get Tested Day which is June 27th but it is never too late too make sure you are negative.
I am a couple of days late for AmFar's disignated National Get Tested Day which is June 27th but it is never too late too make sure you are negative.
Don't get me wrong with this poetry post. I love television, but then again, I am not a kid.
Courtesy of Poem Hunter.
TheVerde Canyon Railroad is a great trip through the Verde River Canyon, which is a beautiful area in my neighborhood. Depending on the time of the year you can see colorful cactus flowers blooming, beautiful color greens on various types of trees, lots of wild life, blue heron, havalina, coyote and most important the bald eagles that live and nest there. During the winter when the eagles are nesting with their babes the canyon is off limits to all except the train. The eagles are actually use to the train and it doesn't bother them at all.
The geology through the canyon is really remarkable, you can see the faults where the canyon tipped to let water in when the whole area was a giant lake, we are talking millions of years ago. This area was also volcanic at one point so there is a great deal of rock that just popped up out of the ground. If you check the web site you will find a great deal of information. Maybe if you some day visit the Verde Valley you too will ride the Verde Canyon Railroad. I like the trip so much this one with Hans was my seventh time.
So there we are on the outdoor car, where you are if you want to see anything at all. It was a beautiful day, no clouds, which is what it is like around here most of the time till monsoon season sets in. Soon I hope, it was hot but with the wonderful breeze from the train you don't notice it.
We really didn't do much else while he was here except hang out at our friend Megan's house, she is the one with the pool. Hans, Rick, Megan and I are all old friends from New York. A good time was had by all.
Later, Susan
Hans started his trip to my house on Wednesday June 13th. He was suppose to arrive on Thrusday the 14th at 6 PM. He was going to stay over night in NYC. He didn't get here till Friday the 15th at 6 PM, this is why....
Sewage flows down aisles of trans-Atlantic flight
10:55 PM PDT on Tuesday, June 19, 2007
UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash.– Passengers on a Continental Airlines flight had to hold their noses for hours as sewage overflowed from toilets while they were high over the Atlantic.
"To be blatantly honest, I was more nervous than I had ever been on a flight," said Collin Brock. The University Place man was on board Continental Airlines flight 1970 from Amsterdam to Newark, New Jersey last week when things went bad.
"I've never felt so offended in all my life. I felt like i had been physically abused and neglected. I was forced to sit next to human excrement for seven hours," said Brock.
That's after lavatories - in the middle of a flight filled with passengers - started spewing sewage.
"Sickening. It's a nauseating smell. It's very uncomfortable," said Brock.
It was last Wednesday afternoon when his flight left Amsterdam, but roughly two hours into it, the passengers were told the lavatories were out of commission. An unplanned landing in Shannon, Ireland was made to fix the problem.
A pit stop became an overnight stay. The next day, the same plane headed for its original destination of Newark, New Jersey, but just after takeoff, the sewage overflow began. This time, there was no turning around.
"I don't know how you can say a plane needs to be grounded one day for a problem that's not as major as a problem the next day, and it doesn't qualify for being grounded," said Brock.
He says was there was one half-working restroom on the plane for the more than 200 people onboard.
He also says the flight attendants - who were serving meal service in a stinky, unappetizing cabin - told everyone to not eat or drink too much.
"To be told that we were supposed to monitor what comes out the other end of us was insulting," said Brock. "Shame on continental. It was the worst flight experience I have ever had."
Continental gave Collin a $500 voucher for a future flight for the inconvenience. He says he's not sure he'll ever use it.
More later.....
Well it is finally is friends vacation. Hans finally got here after traveling from Holland for three days ( thanks Continental Airlines). He says hi..... I started my vacation Thursday night, I didn't wait for him.
So for the next few days I won't be around much, but I will try and check in now and then.
Have a great weekend.
Love ya.
As a few of you know my favorite poet is Kenneth Patchen and I have on occasion posted of few of his works including a few of his painted books. His anti war material is very well known as it says in the little bit of bio I have copied here, but today I will post one of the wonderful poems he wrote for Miriam, his wife of many years. They were very much in love and his poems for her are truly beautiful.
Over the course of his career, which included about forty books, Patchen tried his hand at several types of poetry: concrete poetry, drama, prose, jazz, verse, and the anti-novel. He even published self-illustrated writings, in his own words, were "painted books." Henry Miller called Patchen "The Man of Anger and Light". In his lifetime, he produced many books and poems. His poetry on atrocities of war is especially remembered. ..
A little vent, just little,
The astronauts are up at the space station fixing their mode of transportation. Also opening some great arrays so the station can continue to get energy.
While down here on earth we continue to kill each other.
What is wrong with this picture.
Have a nice day.
I have been think this morning on what it would be like to not have an responsibilities to any one. Not to the dogs and cats, to my friends, ether and land, not to my clients, my job. Just to be able to wake up in the morning and to be able to choose right at that moment what I was going to do or not do .
As I sat here and visualized myself getting up and not having the kids (cats and dogs) here to say good morning to or maybe there wasn't anything to do because there was no one out there , because I was not responsible, well I realized it would be damned lonely.
I think I will stick with my responsibilities. It is certainly much more fun than loneliness.
Hey you all have a great week.
I am having a great deal of trouble with my network connections today. If some of you have noticed double comments on your blogs that is my non-connections acting up. I think I will have to continue my Art Tour at some other time.
Oh what a pain.
In honor of my dear friend Hans finally getting to town from Amsterdam this coming Thursday and one and a half weeks later my old friend Ann comes to town from California. We have not seen each other for 40 years. The very thought gives me chills. We were best friends in high school and haven't seen each other since. We actually hooked up again through that silly site Classmates.com. We will have pictures. Anyway. I wanted to do an Art Sunday about friends. Well I have found some interesting work while I was researching this project.
This is the work of this lovely woman below. I found it all very interesting and I was rather taken with the paintings.
This is just another one of those " just because I like the song" Saturdays. I am a closet Prince fan.
Enjoy, have a great weekend .
More info from my ASPCA link regarding more pet food problems, will it ever end. Maybe we will all start getting our food from the good old USofA again instead of outsourcing. Even people food isn't safe.
PET FOOD RECALL UPDATE: ACETAMINOPHEN FOUND IN BRANDS OF CAT AND DOG FOOD NOT ON MENU FOODS LISTWith reports that acetaminophen has recently been found in some brands of cat and dog food not included on the Menu Foods recall list, the ASPCA is urging pet parents to stay vigilant to signs of illness in their pets as large doses of acetaminophen, just like many other human medications, can be extremely toxic.
“At this point, we have very little information as to the actual level of concentration of this reported contamination," says Dr. Steven Hansen, a board-certified toxicologist and Senior Vice President with the ASPCA, who manages theASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. “Our data shows that if an average-sized cat ingests as little as one extra-strength acetaminophen pain-reliever caplet and is not treated in time, he can suffer fatal consequences.”
Adds Dr. Louise Murray, a board-certified internist and Director of Medicine at the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in New York City, “Until the U. S. Food & Drug Administration releases its findings from this new investigation, we urge pet parents to keep a close eye on their pets, and report any changes in dietary consumption or behavior to their veterinarian immediately.
As we continue to monitor the pet food recall situation, the ASPCA advises pet parents to keep abreast of developing news by visiting theASPCA Pet Food Recall Center regularly for the latest information available.
Just a thought
If you didn't read or listen to the news you wouldn't make yourself sick worrying about all the bad things that are going on out there that most of us really can't do anything about.
I have given up on the Democratic Party, I am handing in my Democratic Party membership. They have gotten as bad as the Republicans. For some reason everyone is standing in line to kiss George Bush's ass. I can't take it any more. We will never get out of the middle east or Iraq at this rate.
Can any one tell I am in a really pissy mood.