Hans had mentioned to me when he was here that he had gone to the American Folk Art Museum in New York City. I was surprised that I had never heard of it. I thought it might be interesting to go on line and see some of the things that were housed there.
These are some of the pieces of art that I found.
APPLIQUÉD CARPET from The Great Cover-up: American Rugs on Beds, Tables, and Floors Artist unidentified Northeastern United States, possibly Maine c. 1860 Wool appliqué and embroidery on wool 112 x 158 in. American Folk Art Museum, promised gift of Ralph Esmerian, P1.2001.294 Photo copyright John Bigelow Taylor, New York
Now this one is fun.
THE COMFORT OF MOSES AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS from FOLK ART REVEALED Richard Dial (b. 1955) Bessemer, Alabama 1988 Steel and wood with hemp and enamel 57 x 33 x 32 1/2 in. American Folk Art Museum purchase made possible with grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Metropolitan Life Foundation, 1990.3.5 Photo by Bard Wrisley
LES AMIS (FRIENDSHIP) from FOLK ART REVEALED Seneque Obin (1893–1977) Haiti c. 1950–1955 Oil on board 20 x 15 in. American Folk Art Museum, gift of Maurice C. and Patricia L. Thompson, 2003.20.13 Photo: Gavin Ashworth
Now you can see some very different types of folk art and not all from America. We have a hanging rug, a metal chair like thing and a beautiful heart felt painting.
You might check outwww.folkartmuseum.org for further adventures. Also don't forget to visitThe Witch our wonderful host for the Art Sunday Tour.