What was going on in your life ....
1) 25 years ago:
This really is going to be a wee bit difficult for me as much of my life during this time was really a blur. At this time in my life I was working in the rock and roll business for a guitar company, most likely dating my longlasting boy friend David, who was a roadie and was on the road all the time. And doing a great many drugs which is why it is hard for me, seriously, to remember exactly what was going on. I know I sure was having a good time meeting famous rock stars and traveling the country. It was fun, glad I survived. Some where in between 25 and 20 My dad passed away, not a good time, but we don't dwell.
2) 20 years ago:
My life had started to be integrated into spending a great deal of time hanging out in my neighborhood which is the gay meca of NYC. Since David was pretty much out of my life and I was just drifting along, I drifted into hanging out in gay bars, but we all had started noticing that many of our friends were sick and dying and no one was quite sure why, they hadn;t quit come up with a name for it yet. But we all knew there was something really bad going on.
3) 15 years ago:
I had just started my career as a massage therapist and I guess this is 1992 and my mom had passed away the year before, more things not to dwell on and my two best friends had left new york for Switzerland and Arizona and every one else I knew was dropping dead around me, dear very old friends at one point it was like three a month. I was in heavy depression, when I wasn't working I was in bed with my face to the wall or drinking myself into oblivion, really not a good time.
4) 10 years ago:
Well 10 years ago I decided to change my life. The Aids epidemic had slowed down, the few close friends I had left were hanging in there with the new drugs that came out, people were doing better but I was very alone and when I had the opportunity to change things I took my massage practice and moved to Arizona, where one of my old friends was now living, who I obviously missed very much. What a shock from NYC to the high desert small town living.
5) 5 years ago:
Basically doing the same thing I was doing yesterday, working ,working working, I had started building a nice practice and was enjoying the beauty of where I live. The draught really hadn;t kicked in yet so it was still nice here. I believe that when you are young is the time to play, which I did. So now I am working my butt off, I wish.
bonus: 1 year ago
Again the same as today except I am now so sick of Arizona I can't wait to get out of here(this is one year ago) and I turned 60 which is a big change in the old life, I don't mind it though keeps things interesting. So one year from now (today) I guess we will see where I am.
Until Yahoo straightens out, this will probably be self-guided. Feel free to post your links HERE (now open back to Friends of Friends) and visit other Friday Fivers. I'll post my answers below:
Have Fun and Let's PLAY !!
Again our Miss Friday Five has come up with some great questions. Have fun I know I did.