Since my life has now become caregiver for crippled and geriatric and chronically sick doggies I have not been around blog land much.
The photo is my own true love Jake dog, who can now only get around in his fancy new hot wheels. His disease, Degenerative Mylopethy, has advanced to where his back legs no longer work and I must pick up his hind quarters to take him out, hold him up by his tail to do his business and if you want to take a real walk, put him in his wheels. He was blessed by a dear friend of ours who bought them for him. Custom made no less. They are not cheap and I would have never been able to afford them myself. At least the time he has left, because this disease will eventually kill him, he will be able to have some fun.
Well thats one, so then there is my latest arrival , who is Charlie the dalmation, who I have spoken about when he first came. He managed to contract tick virus, Eherliciya ( that is not the way to spell it but sounds right) which can kill a dog in the chronic stage, which he is in now. It affects the nervous system, like Jakes disease, he has trouble seeing and his coordination is way off. Not good for a dalmation who runs everywhere. He is constantly running into walls and doors and falling down, but we try our best to keep it together. He must take meds everyday, steroids and antibiotics.
Well thats two, and then there is my sweet Goldie dog, who is now 16 and a half years old and is being terriorized by Charlie, he hates women. He as been attacking her visciously for the past six months since he has been here. She is too old to defend herself, even thought she has gotten in a few good bites, but I couldn't train it out of him so now we have Charlie living in the back yard, so revolving doggies, he comes in, she goes out and he sleeps in the bathroom at night. It is all too much. Goldie is happy again because she has not been growled at or attackes in a whole week. Hope she gets over the trama before she drops dead.
Well that s the doggies. In the mean time there have been sick and runaway kitties. Wannabe decided to take a walk about , but he is home now, but very the worse for wear as he is an oldie also. My vet knows me better than my own doctor.
And to top it all off of course I have to keep my business running.
Now I hope you all see why I haven't been blogging much. I have tried to get around to visit people sometime, but it is hard. I am managing to do this today because I got up real early to walk everyone and I still have a half an hour before I have to go work on one of my clients.
I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday and are enjoying the wonderful weather no matter where you are. Spring in the north and autumn in the south. You just couldn't ask for nicer times of the year, especially since the tornadoes have calmed down.
Lots of love to whoever gets around to reading this.