Two weeks ago my wonderful long living Goldie dog passed away from just plain old age. She was 16 rapidly going on 17 this coming January.
She lived with us for two years and I know just had the best time of her life.
I always called her the perky dog because she never just walked she always pranced like she was a show dog. Even near the end I could see her in the back yard still going for a little prance.
Her favorite thing was spending hours on walks with her nose to the ground. She would spend the longest time smelling things. When Jake and her and I would be out walking I would suddenly realize she wasn't with us, turn around and there she would be way back down the road smelling something.
I really do miss her. It is very quite around here with her gone as she loved to pace trough the house and her little clicking toe nails could be heard every where.
So here is the furry family down to me, Jake dog, The kitties Rose, Thomas, Mike, Magic and Fat Cat. My Jake is just hanging in there and may not be with us much longer, the dread of that I can't even discribe, and then it is the kitties and me but they can be pretty rowdy sometime to so I am sure they will keep me busy.
My two blogs for today.
Maybe I will get back to doing this more.