Just got back from seeing "The Artist" and for all who asked...what a fabulous movie, acting, direction. story everything was just brilliant. I reccomend it to every one.
P.S. The doggie, Uggie, is just the best.
Just got back from seeing "The Artist" and for all who asked...what a fabulous movie, acting, direction. story everything was just brilliant. I reccomend it to every one.
P.S. The doggie, Uggie, is just the best.
I always hate throwing away my christmas cards because they are just so pretty. I know many people recycle them into new cards but who are these people and where are they. If anyone out there knows of any orgaizations or what ever that likes to get old cards and do this recycling bit would you please pass this info on to me
Well after a very long and hard fought defensive game yesterday that wonderful team the Giants managed to pull off a championship victory. Boy that superbowl game should be somethning. At least I hope so.
Yeah Giants.