Thursday, November 30, 2006


Today, December 1st 2006 is World AIDS Day. Again...You know it really will be nice when this plague doesn't have it own day any more because it has been iradicated from this world and all others.

I remember one of my first blogs being about this same subject and saying how I had lost many friends to this terrible disease. Well thank the universe that my few friends that still have the disease are still with me. The drugs that they have finally come up with are still working, but for who knows how long and with what side effects. There still is no cure, no vaccine. It seems people have almost stopped caring, and why? I think because most of the AIDS victims are now in countries we don't care about. Africa for one. People are dying every where in Africa for many reasons.  Not enough drugs, too expensive drugs, people won't take the drugs. What happened to that money Bush promised to help fight the spread of AIDS. Obviously not there yet. Oh yeah then there is the issue about not helping clinics that give out condoms because the Bush Administration says just say NO to sex, Yeah right . These are adults not little kids and teenagers. Lets get with the program here. Do we care or not?

So I say to all of my friends and friends of friends out there, please when ever you can help support the fight against AIDS. There are many people out there who would appreciate your help.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Entry for November 28, 2006

I just realized that as of the 17th of November I have been blogging for a year. I had no idea. It sure doesn't seem like it has been that long. I was just thinking this morning that I had started in March and just now I thought I would check just for the hell of it and arn't I surprised. Guess i have been having such a good time that it just flew right by.

Glad I have met so many nice people out in blog land and because of  you all I think I will just keep on keepin' on.

Enjoy Tuesday.


Be sure to check outA Paw Up Rescue

Monday, November 27, 2006

Entry for November 27, 2006

Hey to all on this Monday morning.  I have been a little out of it lately and have not been participating in much because I am busy thinking about my sister, Robin and my brother-in- law , Jimmy, coming to town to help me celebrate my birthday on the 14th of  December. Don't you love the way I slip that in. Birthdays are always a big thing for me. Any excuse for a party.

This is a big one. Sort of scary. Never thought I would be this old. I am of the don't trust any one over 30, generation and I am now way over thirty. An origional baby boomer. My folks came home from WWII and got married and  10 m0nths later had me. They met in France, how romantic, Mom a WAC and Dad a green Leutinent(sp). 

OK enough beating around the proverbial bush, I will be sixty on th 14th and let me tell you it is a little weird. I am not your ususal 60 as I have no children, well you know me only furry ones. I have always been a wild a swinging chick, in the rock and roll business for a long time, a string of one husband and many live ins. Always out and about and doing things. Thankfully I do have many friends that fit into this catagory and are still alive. As in Sex and DRUGS and Rock and Roll. So it is going to be a strange aging process. I still don't act or look much different than I ever did. No more drugs though. Still boots and bell bottoms. I am so glad those came back into fashion. Always loved them.

A good friend out here in the wilds of Arizona is tuning 60 three days after me and his partner is throwing a hugh bash for him and I am included. Should be fun. Robin and Jimmy and I will be heading for Las Vegas for my official one on the 14th.( more slipping that in) Can't think of a better place to spend it. Who knows maybe I will run into some dashing figure. We will see Cirque de Soile's KA. I have seen "O" and Mystier(sp), and I just love their shows.  Nice dinner out the next night. Stay at the Flamingo, which I love, should be fun.

Ok I have finally gotten that off the old chest. I am still not sure how I feel about all this, but as my fellow old fart says "there isn't any thing we can do about it." Since I am well, healthy, in fairly decent shape, and hope to stay that way ( and those pictures of me are current) I guess it will be OK. On to a different transition.

Hope your week is starting out well and thanks for putting up with my rant. That is what 360 is for, right.


Friday, November 24, 2006

Watch out for the furry kids during the winter holidays

Image/While it may be nice to run into your sweetie under this traditional holiday plant, mistletoe can be potentially toxic to our animal companions.

Found throughout the United States, American mistletoe is actually a parasitic plant that lives off a variety of different tree species. If ingested in large enough quantities, mistletoe can potentially produce gastrointestinal irritation in pets, excessive thirst and urination, a drop in blood pressure and heart rate, seizures, coma and even death. According to our experts at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), however, most animal ingestions involve small quantities—not more than the amount found in a sprig or two—and typically result in mild stomach upset that resolves with little or no treatment

To add my two cents worth, Pointsettas are poisonous to animals as well as people. Causes very bad burning sensation even if just bitten a little. One of  my kitties learned the had way and so did I. He was fine but his little mouth was not to happy.

So keep the furry ones away from mistletoe, pointsettas, cookie dough, and just too much people food, candy , cookies, alcoholic beverages  etc. during the upcoming festivities.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006



                                                  YOUR FRIENDS

                    SUSAN, JAKE, GOLDIE, ROSE , THOMAS, KHAY

                                                AND WANNABE

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sorry about the Let's Say Thanks Web Site

Well sorry to all those that tried to get to that web site to send cards to the troops. It seems to have disappeared. Must have crashed. It was a nice thought. sorry.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Let's Say Thanks To Our Troops

Check out this web Site

Let's Say Thanks and send a card to out troops. Make them feel better. That people back here are thinking of them. And even though our President sucks we still love and support them.

It's cool Let's Say Thanks

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Art Sunday/The Gates

The Gates, an art installation erected in Central Park in New York City two years ago byChristo and Jeanne - Claude, artists.

I was so disappointed that I couldn't be in my home town to see this that I sent some friends out on a mission to get pictures of this wonderful event. My dear friend Jimmy not only took pictures but sent me two files full.

You will now be able to see a few of them. Interactive art is so wonderful. I was told The Gates turned the park into a place of magic.

The picture at the top is my friend Bob standing in The Gates in some pictures that he also took for me. Arn't friends great. 

I hope you enjoy these.

Happy Sunday and thank you to our wonderful host Nicholas V. We love you Nicholas.







One of the pictures made it in there twice and it is too much trouble to take it out. so...

About that holiday gift

This isn't a song but it does sing a great truth


Friday, November 17, 2006

Tribute To Ed Bradley

I thought Ed Bradley, who suddenly died a little over a week ago, was the coolest man on television. He was a great newsman and interviewer and a great person. I think this video gives you an all around view of him.  This is dedicated to Teddy.