Today, December 1st 2006 is World AIDS Day. Again...You know it really will be nice when this plague doesn't have it own day any more because it has been iradicated from this world and all others.
I remember one of my first blogs being about this same subject and saying how I had lost many friends to this terrible disease. Well thank the universe that my few friends that still have the disease are still with me. The drugs that they have finally come up with are still working, but for who knows how long and with what side effects. There still is no cure, no vaccine. It seems people have almost stopped caring, and why? I think because most of the AIDS victims are now in countries we don't care about. Africa for one. People are dying every where in Africa for many reasons. Not enough drugs, too expensive drugs, people won't take the drugs. What happened to that money Bush promised to help fight the spread of AIDS. Obviously not there yet. Oh yeah then there is the issue about not helping clinics that give out condoms because the Bush Administration says just say NO to sex, Yeah right . These are adults not little kids and teenagers. Lets get with the program here. Do we care or not?
So I say to all of my friends and friends of friends out there, please when ever you can help support the fight against AIDS. There are many people out there who would appreciate your help.
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