Friday, February 16, 2007

Entry for February 16, 2007/Friday Five

I am definitely up for this one.

Gender Roles in Society:

  • Should the manalways be the head of the household in a heterosexual relationship? Now this is one of those, "oh you have got to be kidding " ones for me. If there is not total sharing in a relationship, why bother. No one is telling me what to do.
  • How do you feel when you see a man show emotion (i.e. cry) as opposed to a woman? are you as apt to offer comfort or edge away quietly? I am happy. I would offer comfort just as I would for any one else (woman).
  • Do you believe the old adage is true that a man thinks about a relationship sexually where a woman tends to think about it romantically? Well men do tend to be lead by their glands, it is sort of hard wired into us. Woman also when the hormones are flowing, but generally speaking I think everyone wants to have an emotional relationship. You can't hold anything together on sex alone.
  • We've accepted older men/younger women for years. How do you feel about the reverse? Would you be (or have you been) involved in a relationship where the woman was older by 10 - 15 years? I have been involved in just such a relationship and who cares, as long as someone gets along that is all that counts. Most of those older men , younger wives things are just about trophies any way.
  • Back in the day, when a man had multiple sexual conquests he could brag about it while a woman had to hide it for fear of earning a bad reputation. Do you feel this gender inequality still exists?
  • I certainly would hope not. I think things have basically evened out. Just sit in on a younger womens "girls night out" you'll hear a thing or too.

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