Friday, March 30, 2007

Entry for March 30, 2007/ Food Friday Five

It's a Food Friday Five

  1. What is your favorite type of food? Well it use to be salmon but I don't do that any more so now it is pasta, with tomato sauce.
  2. What is your favorite vegetable? Asparagus and spinach
  3. What is your favorite desert? Any thing chocholate, especially cake.
  4. What is your favorite 'junk food'? Chinese
  5. If you have a favorite recipe you can share it here or if not what is your favorite restaurant and dish there. I don't really cook, so no recipes but I do love to go to a local restraunt in town, The Tavern and the do this great Lavosh , which is like a giant round matzo with pizza toppings, it is so delicious, you can pick your own toppings, I always get mushrooms, carmalized onions, cheese, and lots of different veggies. Great stuff. Of course it must have wine to go with it.

Entry for March 30, 2007 Bad Pet Food Update

Since Menu Foods, Inc. announced its massive pet food recall on March 16, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has been flooded with calls from pet parents and animal welfare professionals alike. Based on data from these calls, the ASPCA reports that clinical signs in cats affected by the contaminated foods are not fully consistent with the ingestion of rat poison containing aminopterin which, says Menu Foods, is at the “root” of the contamination issue.

Explains the ASPCA’s Dr. Steven Hansen, veterinary toxicologist, “There are so many inconsistencies in the purported link between aminopterin and the animals affected that we urge veterinary toxicologists and veterinary pathologists at diagnostic laboratories to continue looking for additional contaminants.”

Pets who are being treated for kidney failure suspected to be related to contaminated food should stay on their treatment. If your pet has eaten contaminated food and shows any signs of illness, including loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in water consumption and changes in urination, please consult with a veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 immediately. In order to help with your pet’s diagnosis, you are advised to:

- retain food samples for analysis

- save all packaging and receipts, and document the product name, type of product, date codes and/or production lot numbers

- document the dates that the product was fed to your pet, how much was eaten, and the time when you first noticed symptoms

Adverse effects or deaths of pets conclusively linked to eating the contaminated foods should bereported to the FDA. Additionally, theAmerican Veterinary Medical Association website contains helpful information for pet parents and veterinarians.

For a complete list of recalled pet food brands, please visit

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Entry for March 29, 2007/ Eye Candy

Just thought I would put up a little eye candy before I go off to work. Have a great day.

2007 March 28

NGC 1365: Majestic Island Universe
Credit & Copyright:SSRO-South (R.Gilbert,D.Goldman,J.Harvey,D.Verschatse) - PROMPT (D.Reichart)

Explanation:Barredspiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majesticisland universe some 200,000 light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away toward the chemical constellationFornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of the well-studiedFornax galaxy cluster. This impressivelysharp color image shows intense star forming regions at the ends of the bar and along the spiral arms, as well as details of dust lanes cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role in thegalaxy's evolution, drawing gas and dust into a star-forming maelstrom and ultimately feeding material into thecentral black hole.

Tomorrow's picture:Jupiter's moons

Monday, March 26, 2007

Entry for March 26, 2007/The Universe, this is a really cool one

2007 March 26

Bullet Pillars in Orion
Credit &Copyright:Gemini Observatory,AURA,NSF

Explanation:Why are bullets of gas shooting out of the Orion Nebula? Nobody is yet sure. First discovered in 1983, each bullet is actually about the size ofour Solar System, andmovingat about 400 km/sec from a central source dubbed IRc2. The age of the bullets, which can be found from their speed and distance fromIRc2, is very young -- typically less than 1,000 years. As thebullets rip through the interior of theOrion Nebula, a small percentage of iron gas causes the tip of each bullet to glow blue, while each bullet leaves a tubular pillar that glows by the light of heated hydrogen gas.Pictured above, the Orion bullets were captured in unprecedented detail by the adaptive optics technology of the Gemini North telescope.M42, the Orion Nebula, is the closest major star forming region to us and filled with changingdust,gas, and bright stars. The Orion Nebula, is located about 1,500light years away andcan beseen with the unaided eye toward theconstellation of Orion.

Tomorrow's picture:ring maker

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Entry for March 25, 2007These Dogs Need Help


These poor dogs and their person need help. I got this from my Best Friends connections in Arizona yesterday. If you can be of any help what so ever, please get in touch with the person at the bottom of this letter please,

Dear Best Friends Member,

Jack has asked for our help in finding homes for his beloved dogs, Precious and her son George. Jack will be undergoing a lung transplant in early April and can no longer care for his dogs.

It would really put Jack’s mind at ease while he is going through this process to know that Precious and George will have a new family to love them, as he has throughout their lives. Since they have never been apart, Jack is hoping to find a kind person who will open their heart and home to both of his pets.

Precious is a 13-year-old spayed, female, Shepherd mix. She has a bit of hip pain due to her age, but is otherwise in good health. She loves children and is very good with people she knows. She tends to be a bit territorial in her old age!

George is a healthy, 10-year-old male, mixed breed. He will be neutered before going to his new home. George is very good with children, adults, strangers, and other dogs.Both Precious and George are housebroken, indoor/outdoor dogs.

Precious and George are currently at their home in Phoenix, AZ, though Jack has recently had to move to San Diego, CA, for his medical treatment. Adoption arrangements and transportation of his dogs to their new home will be arranged by Jack’s family.

If you or someone you know can help find a home for these dear dogs,please contact Gail at (760) 505-6118 or email Gail

In what ever way, large or small, you might play a part in helping find a loving home for Precious and George, we at Best Friends thank you. Together we can make a difference for the animals.

Kindest regards,

Meg Fiorina

Animal Help Specialist

Best Friends Animal Society

5001 Angel Canyon Road

Kanab, UT 84741

435-644-3965 x4531

Friday, March 23, 2007

Entry for March 23, 2007/FRIDAY MORNING

If you look close towards the mountains over my neighbor's roof you will see white fluffy things, those are real clouds lying very close to the ground. It rained all night and it is really moist around here now. AAAAHHHHH I can breath.


Thanks again for all your good wishes and comments

Have a great weekend


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Entry for March 22, 2007Rain Update

It is now 9:08 PM and unless you live in California that means it is 2-3 hours later where you are. So far today it has rained just about all day and we are hoping for more through the night and tomorrow. At least that is what the meteorologists have said, but in Arizona it is "I'll believe it when I see it".

Entry for March 22, 2007Rain

Well it wasn't as dramatic as that picture of rain in the desert, but for the first time in 30 days we have finally gotten some rain. I think it rained for about 10 minutes last night. There is a wee bit of humidity in the air but you can't tell that by me. I feel like a dried out prune. It is still thundering so we may get more. Maybe if we all wish real hard it will rain some more, please. Just found this on YouTube, not bad. We could use some of this type of Rain

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Entry for March 21, 2007

I know I have posted this before, don't care, other people have posted this before, don't care, many besides myself will probably post this today, still don't care. This poem to me is just so perfect for the first day of Spring and considering my background for the past few weeks, who could care.



I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud

Entry for March 20, 2007

Some of this is funny some of it is graphic and not amusing at all but it is all about why this idiot shouldn't be in office any more.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Entry for March 18, 2007/ART SUNDAY

Some Art from Nature and architectural art

2007 March 17

Eiffel Moon
Credit & Copyright:Frederic Tapissier

Explanation:Celestial and terrestrial lights are featured in this stunning image that includes the Moon in phases of the total lunar eclipseof March 3rd. In the foreground, the distinctively-shapedEiffel Tower, over 300 meters tall, is a well-knowntourist destination and one of the most visited buildings in the world. Of course theMoon is even more recognizable, but harder tovisit. The last lunar tour was undertaken nearly 35 years ago, during theApollo 17 mission.

Tomorrow's picture:dimensions

Friday, March 16, 2007

Entry for March 17, 2007

I am not a religious person but I believe this song tells of peace in our souls and if we all had more peace within ourselves maybe there would be more peace in this world. So for the end of the war in Iraq and the end of all the abuse that we perpatrate on each other I give you Amazing Grace.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Entry for March 16, 2007

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2007 March 15

NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans
Credit & Copyright:SSRO-South (D.Goldman, J.Harvey, R.Gilbert, D.Verschatse) - PROMPT (D.Reichart)

Explanation:Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of theflying fish, (Piscis)Volans. Located about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy's twospiral arms extending from a pronounced central bar give it anominous hook-shaped appearance. Thisstriking color image also shows obscuring dust lanes, young blue star clusters andreddish star forming regions surrounding a core of yellowish light from an older population of stars. But the star forming regions seem more concentrated along the drawn-out northern (top) spiral arm. The distorted structure is likely the result of aclose encounter with a smaller galaxy located just outside this telescopic field of view. The picturespans about 1/6 of a degree, or 150,000 light years at the estimated distanceof NGC 2442.

Tomorrow's picture:Moon grazing

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Entry for March 14, 2007 / A POEM FOR JAY

My 360 friend Jay is having his birthday this Thursday March 15th, the Ides. So I thought I would post him a poem for his birthday and for Poetry Wednesday. This came from a site called Birthday Poems for Free no author, no name, no nothing . I thought it was nice, definitely appropriate and not bad. Hope he likes it and any one else who might read it.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Entry for March 12, 2007

somethnig pretty for monday

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Entry for March 10, 2007

Well I have been tagged by my crazy friend the Fantastic Diva Muffin Woman to come up with 10 weird things about myself. I usually don't do things like this but since it's her, here goes

1. I'm 60 and still rockin' and rolling.

2. I lived in NYC for 23 years and then moved to the middle of nowhere in Arizona for a guy, that's weird.

3. I was once a go-go dancer

4. My best friends are all gay guys.

5. My boyfriend is a red dog named Jake.

6. I'm sitting here at 9:30 at night on a Saturday trying to figure out ten weird things about myself.

7. I would rather hang out with my furry family than humans

8. I live in a trailer (single wide mobile).

9. with six cats and two dogs.

10. All my human friends think I'm weird .

Not to exciting but that's about it.

Happy Renata, only for you would I do this.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Entry for March 10 2007/ Song Saturday-People From My Past

A little insight into who I am . This was my life and what I did for a living.

Performers I worked for......Forgot to mention....I was not their Massage Therapist, this was a past life when I put bands on the road and I was Debbie Harry's personal assistant.

The Ramones


The Clash

Steve Forbert

Hope you enjoy these performances from some people from my past.


Entry for March 09, 2007/WHY

I know every one is probably so mad at me for my comments regarding Internation Women's Day yesterday. I want you all to understand I am not putting down how far we have come or how women need to see what is going on out there but the women that we should be caring about are not the one's like us who know and understand, but the ones who are still being beaten, mutilated, murdered, put away, sold into prostitution, all because of the fear of men (sorry guys) . I mean that men are still afraid of the power that we hold over them and they fear this, If all women figure this out, where do the men stand? It really isn't a man's world , women just haven't figured that out yet. So lets forget this one day business and every day we must remember who we are, strong and powerful.

Also I should give a nod to all who did point out that in reality we are all HUMAN BEINGS and we should be celebrating that. I am all for this. When will we have a HUMAN BEINGS DAY, or maybe a BEINGS DAY. One day to just celebrate LIFE.

So that's me again today.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Entry for March 08, 2007

Thanks to all for wishing me a great women's day thingy. but so you all know I think it is shit. Stupid stuff. Same as I think about black history month and women's history month. That's all we get, a month ,a day,oh please, how about Straight White Men's History Month, I'll celebrate when I see that. But you know that will never happen cause they think they got it all. They are the majority, we are the minority so they must placate us with something. I can't stand it.

OK that's it , just venting.

Nice Thursday everyone.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Entry for March 07, 2007/ Poetry Wednesday-Kenneth Patchen Picture-Poems

and in the end I always go back to Kenneth Patchen . These are a few of his picture-poems. I have been able to finally post them since I got a scanner printer for my birthday. Cool. I guess you could say this is Poetry Wednesday meets Art Sunday.

scan002001scan001001scan001001_1 For more information about Kenneth Patchen go to this blog I just realized that I have ,a while ago, posted some color picture poems for an Art Sunday post, but you really couldn't read the poems, it was mostly for the paintings.

The words are the important thing in this post, but then again these are Picture-Poems , created all at the same time. I really hope you enjoy them. I just love the simple yet brillant phrases.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Entry for March 04, 2007/ ART SUNDAY

Quite often I get inspirations for what I want to present on Art Sunday by artists I like or paintings I see and then find out about them and their creators. These are very often prints or paintings I have seen in friends homes. My presentation today is just that. The print they have hanging on their wall is the painting "MASTER BEDROOM" painted byANDREW WYETH. You can see from the painting why I am drawn to it. Dog sleeping on bed.

master-bedroom So I give you today a little history of Andrew Wyeth if you click on his name above and "MASTER BEDROOM" and also I believe his most famous painting "CHRISTINA'S WORLD".Christinas I am also showing a painting from quite a infamous series he did with his model Helga. You may have seen or heard of these. No nudes here though, just braids. I really like this painting.

Helga Actually I really like all of them and I have always enjoyed Wyeth's work. So much of it is very Americana, very real and with a bit of darkness. Always made me feel melancholy when looking at them.

Any way hope you enjoy them and the nice links through Wickapedia.

Happy Sunday


Sorry the prints aren't a bit better. The colors just don't seem right.

Entry for March 03, 2007 Reprint of Those Who Can't Speak For Themselves.

A 360 Friend posted this on her blog a week or so ago. I really enjoyed reading it and thought others should see it. This is a very important article regarding factory farming and the rights of non-human animals. Since Lea only shows to friends these days, I asked if she would let me reprint this article on my blog and she gave her permission. So to some you may already have seen it, and to those that haven;t please give it a read. It is worth you time and definitley the time for those who can't speak for themselves, the other animals that live with on this earth

Friday, March 2, 2007

Entry for March 02, 2007/ Friday Five

On Y!360....

1) How long have you been on 360? One year and a few months

2) How many friends do you normally have on your friend's list? Right now I have 40 something and that is the most I have ever had. I try to keep my friends to a manageable number because I like to visit everyone and more than that and I have no life.

3) Do you blog daily, once or twice weekly, weekly, infrequently, not at all? I try to visit everyone at least once or twice a week and I ususally write something at least three times a week if not more. Depends on my moods.

4) Are you a theme blogger? one who plans their blogs in advance? or more a seat of your pants blogger (i.e. whatever comes to mind goes on the blog)? I do plan theme blogs for special occasions, just did one for National Spay Day, and i always do lead ins over a few weeks for things like that. I also plan out my Art Sunday presentations. Sometime they are work, also Poetry Wednesday. Every thing else is " oh I want to say this right now".

5) What one thing would you add to or change about Yahoo 360? I guess it is basiclly Ok. I have never blogged any where else so I have nothing to compare to. I would like them to get rid of that silly window that keeps popping up telling you if you want to leave the blog your writing it will disappear. I want the refresh button back where if you screwed something up you could get your whole blog back. That's about it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Entry for March 01, 2007/Happy Thursday

I was inspired today by my friend Janie, who tells me it is St. David Day in Wales. He is their patron saint and the are having great festivities there. So HAPPY ST. DAVID DAY TO ALL IN WALES AND ON 360.

And according to my wonderful Associated Humane Societies calender it is the start of Adopt-A-Rescued- Guinea Pig month. How do you like that.

and then I am told by the same calender that Day Light Savings Time starts on March 11th, little early don't you think.

And then we have St. Patty's day on the 17th. Isn't he the patron saint of green beer and people who drink to much of it?

and then we have the best day of all on the 21st....THE SPRING EQUINOX......When the warming starts and the growing starts and we bring the doggies out of the closet and take them for long walks and put those boots away and bring out the sandals and wait a minute I am getting carried away because it is still cold and it probably still snowing somewhere and it is still dismal out my back door ( see pic) just a little ever green. But that is OK, It will be 70 degrees here this weekend so I will get a little flash of spring. I hear from Deb that they are already having some back east, so it is coming,,,,, SPRING.....