Monday, March 26, 2007

Entry for March 26, 2007/The Universe, this is a really cool one

2007 March 26

Bullet Pillars in Orion
Credit &Copyright:Gemini Observatory,AURA,NSF

Explanation:Why are bullets of gas shooting out of the Orion Nebula? Nobody is yet sure. First discovered in 1983, each bullet is actually about the size ofour Solar System, andmovingat about 400 km/sec from a central source dubbed IRc2. The age of the bullets, which can be found from their speed and distance fromIRc2, is very young -- typically less than 1,000 years. As thebullets rip through the interior of theOrion Nebula, a small percentage of iron gas causes the tip of each bullet to glow blue, while each bullet leaves a tubular pillar that glows by the light of heated hydrogen gas.Pictured above, the Orion bullets were captured in unprecedented detail by the adaptive optics technology of the Gemini North telescope.M42, the Orion Nebula, is the closest major star forming region to us and filled with changingdust,gas, and bright stars. The Orion Nebula, is located about 1,500light years away andcan beseen with the unaided eye toward theconstellation of Orion.

Tomorrow's picture:ring maker

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