. Do you still use snail mail or do you do all your business and personal transactions online? Absolutely use snail mail I love getting and sending cards and post cards.
2. What is the most far away place you've sent mail? Received from? Amsterdam Netherlands for both, take that back got a post card from Russia.
3. If you can hand deliver an invitation/letter, do you or do you prefer to put a stamp it and mail it? Yes
4. When was the last time you sent an actual letter to someone...not a birthday card, not a bill, but an actual letter to a friend or family member written on real paper in long hand? Christmas 2006, letter in a Christams card, hope that counts it was written on paper and put in the card.
5. When you were ten years old, how much did a regular stamp cost? I don't think we had mail then we were probably still using pony express.
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