Thursday, September 6, 2007

Entry for September 06, 2007/ Questions

I guess I should point out that this is something that le.guillou07 asked me to participate in and I said OK.....
I want to know you better, these are the questions I made for you guys! Have fun…

Here are the questions:

1. Which One are you????? And why??? Forget the why's. We are what we grow into and I believe in nuture as far as this goes. You didn't mention here the insecure inner child, which is me. My parents were very loving and loved my sister and I very much but as a young child we moved around a lot because my father was in the United States Army, we never stayed any place longer than two years until I was at least 17, graduated from highschool and left home and then I was still always changing jobs, moving myself, what ever it just stuck and because of this I have always been afraid of things never staying the way I wanted them to be, big cause of insecurity. So hows that for getting to know someone.

I have put little comments on each one of these.

The Playful Child
That self that is naturally playful, creative, spontaneous and fun loving child. This self longs to play. Many of us have forgotten how to do this without guilt or anxiety that as adults we must be doing something that is worthwhile. a touch of this one

The Spoiled Child
That part of us wants what they want and they want it now, and if they don't get what they want, they throw temper tantrums. Not at all.

The Neglected Child
The child self that was always left alone without much nurturing and love. They don't believe they are lovable or worthwhile. They don't know how to love. They are depressed and want to cry. Not this one either

The Abandoned Child
This child self has been left in some way like divorce or adoption or just left because the parents were kept busy working. They are always fearful that they will be abandoned again and again. This part of the self is starving for extra attention and reassurance that they are safe and okay. This self is very lonely. Definitely not this one

The Fearful Child
This part has been overly criticized when they were small. Now they are anxious and are in panic much of the time. They need lost of encouragement and positive affirmations. a touch of this one

The Unbonded Child
This Inner Child never learns to be close to anyone. They are isolated. Intimacy feels alien and scary. Trust is a basic issue. I trust sometimes too much and then get dumped on.

The Discounted Child
This is a part of the self that was ignored and treated as though they did not exist. They don't believe in themselves and need lots of love to assist and support them.

These are all possibilities of the different Inner Children that might be inside. There are many other selves as well. Perhaps the Ego self, or the self that hold shame, or the self the holds the information that was given to them by their parents or teachers or society as a whole.

Develop the ability to give yourself a profound healing experience. Soothe you Inner Child when he or she is under emotional stress. Use the awareness of the Inner Dialogues that are going on and become apart of the path you are on instead of being lead where you might not want to go. Ultimately you can heal and be a happy person in your life.

2. Here is this situation a car accident what’s your reaction if your partner tell you this???

To my darling husband, or wife…

Before you return from your overseas trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not too bad and I really didn't get hurt, so please don't worry too much about me.

I was coming home from Wal-Mart, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up fortunately came to a halt when it bumped into your car.

I am really sorry, but I know with your kind-hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you my sweetheart. I am enclosing a picture for you.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again

Love you

I would want to know what he really did, cause that whole letter sounds like a bunch of crap.

3. Meditation and other “mindfulness” techniques are designed to help people pay more attention to their present emotions, thoughts and sensations without reacting strongly to them.
Meditators often acknowledge and name their negative emotions in order to let them go.

Do you practice meditation or faith, positive mind? I practice meditation of trying to stay in the now as much as possible.

4. Now, let’s talk about your country. If you were elected president or governor, what would you do for it. What do you really want to change from it??? I am so totally not interesed in politics that this scenario would never happen.

5. What is the happiest of your memories? Why? I sort of answered this question on a Friday Five recently, I have way too many memories to ever figure out which on is the happiest, I don';t believe in "iests", Most of my memories are happy ones, which is a good thing. Of course we all have bad memories too, so it's just life, and so it is all good.

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