Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Entry for April 16, 2008/ VA Tech

It is hard to believe it has been a year since the tragedy at VA Tech occurred, mainly because nothing much has really changed in our world to keep this from happening again. The article I am reading says that colleges are trying to find troubled students and help them so this won't happen. Why do I think this will never work. As long as young people are being raised on violent video games, where death is nothing more than fantasy, and guns are accessible to just about any one, what makes these people think that any thing is different. Two parent families where both are working and no one is aware of what is going on with their children and probably don't care any way, are the norm these days. Children need care and nurturing so they won't lash out, so that they are not hurt by their peers and when they are they can go to their parents for help, not the nearest gun dealer.

Parents get wise, living beyond your means so that everyone has the latest toys is not the answer. Someone has to stay home with these children and be involved in their lives. If you care at all about the safety of your children heed my words.


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