Thursday, August 6, 2009

New garden addition

This is the latest addition to the garden. Bloomed last week. The other ones are just starting to bloom. The only thing left that hasn't bloomed yet are the Holly Hocks. Not enough sun I don't think.


  1. No hollyhocks yet huh. . . Arizona's weather must have something to do with that .

    Nice sunflowers though !

    Just this morning I measured my tallest hollyhocks and they came in at exactly 10ft . Got lucky that's for sure .

  2. You know they do grow well around here. I think I just planted them in the wrong place. You can see them hiding behind the marigolds in the photo I have as my background.

  3. Celeste has me on a mission to get pictures of her Hollyhocks. I need to do more work on them. The red ones are really nice, but the black ones seem to have finished their blooms. Your garden is looking awesome.

  4. i love flowers..your sunflowers are so cool and make more shade for us arizona people....i've actually been on vacation for a week...went to durango camping.....

  5. Nothing says summertime like sunflowers! Just beautiful!

  6. We planted sunflowers all around the yard. Twice. We only have on to show for it. And it came from the bird seed. LOL

  7. I *love* sunflowers too.

    Aren't hollyhocks bi-annuals ...?

  8. I have no idea. I just know they are perrenials. Grow all by themselves once they get going. At least that is what I see around here

  9. Yeah, I think hollyhocks are biannual/biennual - you think yours are a perennial type? Maybe. But - it takes them a longer time to flower than annuals - so maybe that's why yours haven't flowered yet ... ?
