Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Latest computer news

Well it looks like I finally will be back on track come this Friday about 5PM.

I can't wait.

It has been very quite around my house with out that wee eye peeking at me, telling me to come and play. Maybe it 's a good thing. I don't know. I do know I have been spending much more time outside. The weather is beautiful. Fall is upon us. Funny the temps actually changed on the 22nd. Cool breeze in the air. clear skies. You couldn't ask for more.

But i do know that I miss you all. It is strange not to be able to visit and catch up with everything that is going on in everyone's life. I think I know what i will be doing on Saturday.

In the mean time. Hope you all are well and I will see you soon




  1. it's great to hear from you! i'm still waiting for the temps to stay in autumn mode over here....but at least we've gotten some nice rains. glad to hear all is well with you. HUGS

  2. good to hear from you and here the air is like that to-fall is just really around the corner

  3. my c omputer has been in the shop NEW one..grrrrr....i feel helpless with out it.......I hope you get back soon Susan.
