Friday, January 1, 2010

Unchain a Dog Month

Start:     Jan 1, '10 12:00p
End:     Jan 31, '10


  1. well, this struck a nerve. i would like to chain a person up like some ppl chain up their dogs...!!! lol oops..sorry

  2. i don't mind a chain as long as the dog can move


  3. many dogs i know wonder off
    they just have a exporing nature
    and end up lost
    or hit by cars

    if the chain is on a run
    and fit to the dog in a comfortable way
    i think it is a safe way to let them get outside
    and keep them safe


  4. I am all for the "if you have a dog, fense your yard" I don't think doggies should be tied up. they get very frustrated running around in circles. Why not just keep them in the house if there is no fense and take them for long walks. Some people are just plain lazy. I am all for keeping them safe but do it the right way.

  5. i know what you mean
    i have seen dogs chained up all the time
    or just thrown in a fenced in backyard 24/7

    i pity the dog and wonder what the person even got the dog for

    the same as what i said about macaws

    animals have needs
    and you should know what they are before adopting them into your family

