Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Friends

Just got the greatest news that my best friend from long ago, who I had been looking for since we lost touch back in the 70's,( she been looking for me too) well we found each other and have been in touch since last year. We are finally going to get together in September. I am so excited. What a hoot it will be.

There is a great deal to be said for social networking of all sorts because if it was not for Classmates and another old friend I would have never found her. We ,the other old friend, me and the one coming to visit are hoping to get together and have a real rave.  Ah the getting together of old friends is the best.

Wishing luck to Sousonne with her doctors visit today. Happy soon come birthday to Miss Deb the garden gal.

Guess thats about it for this morning.

Good day you all.



  1. Sounds like you'll have a giggly and delightful time. I'm a little jealous :) and hi.

  2. That is just so lovely and I to found people from long ago and reconnected and it is so lovely--

  3. oh, i just love online socializing, too! if not for all of this, we never would have met in person.

    thanks so much for the birthday wishes.

  4. How wonderful!!!! And all is well...things went surgery needed...

  5. This is wonderful Susan.. Oh Happy Days.
