As ususal here I am back again. I seem to do this a lot. No blog, yes blog. You think I would settle down into one place. I started missing things at Multiply when I found some old blogs of mine from Yahoo 360. First I went straight to facebook and posted my thougts on that, Then I came here where I knew things must still be going on and I was right. Nice and cozy here, with people I have been hanging with for scary, probably over 5 years.
Nice to be able to ramble on and not get cut off after 140 characters. Oh please.
I guess I will have to get some new pics up of the new doggie Jack. Put them on facebook but not here.
Rain is in the forecast for at least the next four days. I do not care if the fireworks get washed out. We need this rain soooo bad. The heat has actually gone up past 109 this past week. It is time to be rescued. We have not had this sort of heat in a good two years. The ground is parched and the wild life is coming out of the undergrowth looking for water. We had our first sighting of a mountain lion two days ago. My neighbor said he was just a young one who was scared away by my neighbors Beagle Jasper. These sightings always happen when it gets so dry. We do have the river near by but it is a long and dry walk for the poor wild kids and they need to stop off for a quick drink at my neighbors kiddy pool. Poor babies.
Still in painting vibe. Posted on face book about painting the big wall in my living room so now I am puttering around in my kitchen trying to sort out exactly what I want to do in there. We shall see.
Well everyone have a great independence day.