Monday, September 26, 2011


I just went crazy and deactivated my Facebook account. I can go back if I want, how nice of them. Boy do they try and get you not to leave, they grabbed photos from my other friends accounts with the notice about each of them that "Lea will miss you" " Michael will miss you"A bit  too much I think, and we think we are safe on there. I don't think so. any way so much for facebook. Most of my friends from there are here any way. So no biggie.

Very sad, my Cardinals are not doing so well. Struggling I would say, but the whole season is in front of them, we shall see.

More and more it seems like fall.

I am smiling.



  1. Just when I wonder if I'll have to open an account: more and more people I know (in France) post there and I'm not allowed to see some files or photos if I have no Facebook ID!

  2. love that picture...the leaves are turning.....I think i'm going to the cabin this weekend and the temps are in the 40's and I can't wait......I planted a small garden so i can't go up there for very long cuz I gotta keep the garden wet but something is better than nothing....the Cardinals are struggling but the D-Backs are huge!

    Fb is really getting invasive...I don't go there that often but after hearing what you just said, i am going to see what they have been doing...I see alot more advertising in the places where comments are suppose to be......who knows what other info they are getting from me...I think alot of people are backing out of FB

  3. i will very likely be closing my FB page, too. thanks for the heads up on the farewell letter, though.

    sending lots good thoughts for your Cardinals.

  4. Hell, I've known you since the early days at Y/360 - I doubt either one of us will go anywhere without the other knowing about it.

    FaceSpace is, indeed, a bit of a waste - very little there, really - people who know me know that I discuss things which have more meaning than my own personal life, so they either frequent my page, or no.

    I suppose I'm saying that it'd be no great loss to any of us if we deleted our FaceSpace page.....

    Check in sometime around here. I'll do the same.

    Be well!

  5. I see FB as part of the mass control of our population and with their programing get into privacy I don't choose to share with them...they are no what the seems...

  6. i agree, I always felt very unsafe over on facebook, I had absolutely nothing in my account that was real except for an email address which was mandatory, and they still managed to go into my email addy and find my friends-yes they keep everything alive over there, unless you go thru the process to totally delete everything-and then they make you wait a month in case you change your mind. everything of mine hopefully is gone-I know that my page is totally deactivated finally so if I were to go back would need to start over-very unsafe site in my opinion

  7. Astra, I love the "Face Space", what ever did happen to My Space anyway.
    It has been awhile hasn't it. I think I just want to hang out with my old friends on good old Multiply, all us left overs from Y360.
    I always look for you on the old Inbox to see what your up to. I am glad your postings always end up some where I can fing you. I check into Blogger once in a while too.
    Good day my friend.

  8. Vickie, Actually that photo was taken last year but I think it gets the point across.
    Have a nice weekend at the cabin, I know it will be perfect up in the mountains.
    I am so over facebook, I can always jot short blogs on here and get the same reaction and not have Multiply messing into my life.

  9. Crone in the woods, You are sooo right

  10. Kathy, I just couldn't take the nonsence any more. Nothing can be all things to all people, which is what they seem to be attempting to do. I will just stay safe and happy here.

  11. Deb, thanks for the good wishes for my poor football team.
    Be seeing you around the old place.

  12. haha maybe we should bring back MySpace...I still have a page out there somewhere. lol

  13. i counted like 25 advertisements when I scrolled to the bottom of my page

  14. Glad to see you here,Susan.
    Facebook is acting like a bit of a dictatorship in cyberland...changes are part of life but where do consumers fit into this picture with the changes?.
    Happy Fall!
