Friday, September 6, 2013

What a Morning

Boy what a morning.
The heat is back with us here in central/northern Arizona and I went out a little too late with the dogs, but we walked any way. Did a mile.
By the time we came back we were all exhausted.

Here's the doggies. Big black and white Jack and little red Sadie. This is taken with the new camera I just bought. I am not much of a photographer, just a snap shot artist.

and this is a real silly selfie of me when I walk the dogs

So I was exhausted as I said but I had promised myself that I would get the side and front yards trimmed way back today. That is always a major job after the monsoon season. I refuse to cut until the rain is gone, I mean why bother, it just grows right back. 
I got the side done and just about 10 feet of the front before I was about ready to collapse. Hell I'll do it tomorrow.
I still have one step of the front porch to paint with the sealant for the winter and then late this afternoon I get to start on the deck, but before all that I am going to sit in my recliner and start the new book I just got from the library.
Have a great day all.


  1. hello, you darlings!

    wonderful pics - you all look happy. so glad you got out for a walk. reckon we should enjoy the heat while we can. before too long, we'll all be complaining about how cold it is! *hugs* to all of you.

  2. Oh it always happens that way, come March I will be wondering where the heat is.

  3. Hi Susan I loved the photos of you and the doggies. we are back to hot too-mid 90s all week-have a great weekend

  4. me again-lol Yes you did good with the gadgets-the follow by email and the subscribe are both good
    I ended up setting up at bloglovin-I was able to import all my blogs that I read from blogger to there, and then I added several that I read on blogster and wordpress-I know when new posts are made that way in one spot

  5. Hey Bev, so glad to see you back here, I guess you got this from blogster, lots of people on here that you know.

  6. Just thought I would check out your blog. I have one at Blogger as well but I'll be damned if I can ever figure it out. Have a great day.

  7. Pamm, I feel the same thing about this place
