Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Entry for May 30, 2007/ No poems just Stars

Completely blew it for Poetry Wednesday so here is a nice Spiral Galaxy to check out. Don't forget to read with your mouse to pick up the links, I am too lazy today to change the colors.


2007 May 29

Bright Spiral Galaxy M81 from Hubble
Credit:NASA,ESA, and theHubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Explanation:The Hubble Space Telescope has resolved individual stars in a spectacular new image of nearby spiral galaxy M81. The feat is similar toEdwin Hubble's historic images with theMt. Wilson 100-inch Hooker Telescope in the 1920s thatresolved stars in neighboring galaxyM31. EdwinHubble was able to use individualCepheid variable stars to show that M31 was not nearby swirling gas but rather anentire galaxy like ourMilky Way Galaxy. Thisabove image invisible light taken by theHubble Space Telescope is being used in conjunction withimages being taken inultraviolet byGalex,infrared bySpitzer, andX-rays withChandra to study how stars have formed and died over the history M81. Light takes about 12 millionyears to reach us from M81.M81 is visible with binoculars toward the constellation of the Great Bear (Ursa Major).


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Entry for May 28, 2007/ My Thoughts on Memorial Day

My thoughts on Memorial Day

This morning (Sunday) I was listening to National Public Radio and for Memorial Day they had a “postcard” from Fr. Myer at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington Virginia.

My father, who was a career Army officer,was stationed at the Pentagon three times so we basically lived down the road from Ft. Meyer and the Cemetery. When we first moved there the fort was large. Comprising most things that a military post has, grocery stores, post exchange, hospital, movies, etc. Over the years though I watched it go from a functioning post to the main functions it always had, to bury our national heroes, the men and women who have died either while in service to their country or having given all or part of their lives to maintaining our military forces.My parents, my mom was a WAC in WWII, are interred there.

Little by little the functioning buildings on the base were torn down to make way for more graves.This started during the Vietnam war.Many soldiers needed places to rest, the cemetery got bigger and bigger and Ft. Meyer got smaller and smaller.I go back quite often now since my folks are there and each time I go there are yet more graves.I must say it isn’t all war because those who have spent their lives in the military are allowed to be buried there but mostly it is all young people who have given their lives for us.

My parents are interred in the columbarium (cremations) where you can see the Pentagon across the highway.Last visit I noticed, in the field across from the columbarium, a strange shaped marble stone maybe about 7 feet high, dark, glistening in the sun.New graves with their little white head stones were near by but it was basically alone. Puzzling what it was I grabbed my sister, brother in law and friend and head over realizing in my heart it was the monument to the fallen from the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. My heart was in my mouth when we got there. A beautiful tasteful monument, all their names imprinted on the stone, facing the Pentagon.

Well I have found myself rambling since I started this, but back on track. Ft. Meyer is what it originally started out to be since after the civil war, guardians of our military dead.Stationed there are the Old Guard, the wonderful soldiers who ride with the black caisson that carries the casket and the beautiful black horses who convey the fallen to their final resting place, that is who the postcard was about, the 100 year old stables where the ever so special horses live and the Old Guard who care for our dead soldiers. Knowing this place so well and having visited this stables many times I again became choked with my heart in my mouth and remember how it felt when I would see one of the funerals set out from the chapel there. Mounted proud soldiers in stately dark blue uniforms with the wheeled caisson drawn by the beautiful black horses with their black plumes up between their ears, all heads held high, somber faces, respectful escorts, slowly carrying yet another soldier to their final resting place in Arlington National Cemetery.

Please remember all who have lost their lives in defense of The United States, whether in the military or not, there are many.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Entry for May 27, 2007 ART SUNDAY ,

A little ( no pun intended) Toulouse at the Moulin Rouge for Art Sunday. Enjoymoulin-rougegoulue-two-women

Friday, May 25, 2007

Entry for May 26, 2007/Song Saturday

Been thinking about the Kinks and a Sunny Afternoon

Entry for May 25, 2007

Well this seems to be most certainly a different kind of Friday Five, for me anyway. So here goes

This Friday's Friday Five was suggested byLisa. Excellent idea given the time of year ... now to put on my thinking cap LOL

The Graduate

1. What year did you graduate high school and or college? What are your memories about it? I graduated high school in 1964, never made college, wasn't really mandatory in those days as it is now because the high schools don't teach any thing. Not many memories except that I was very happy to be getting out of school and sad because I would be missing all my friends because my family was moving right after graduation.

2. Who was your commencement speaker? If you could choose one now, who would you pick? No commencement speaker in high school. We got the valedictorian thing.

3. What teachers/professors influenced you the most. What would you say to them if you saw them now? My history/ government teacher Mr. Melnick was a great influence on me as he was very smart and had a great sense of humor. Also my senior English teacher who loved the theater and that is where my ambitions lay. Say ? most likely hi and thanks.

4. Embarking out in the real world is always a little scary. Has your life followed the path you thought it would? Didn't really have much of a path planned out, except about acting which I dabbled in a bit but that was about it.

5. How would you have done things differently? Wouldn't have wanted to, things are just fine the way they turned out. Wouldn't mind going back for some more education though which I may do in the next couple of years.

As always to play it's all quite simple: copy the questions in your blog, comment here onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog (or if you need help just comment here and I'll find your link for you) and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog.

Well that actually tuned out to be rather interesting. Questions like this really make one think about the past.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Entry for May 22, 2007

Oh this is too rich, scary but funny. Why is this man our president. Thankfully not for long.

Here is a short poem made up entirely of actual quotations from George W. Bush.
These have been arranged, only for aesthetic purposes, by Washington Post
writer, Richard Thompson.


I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
And potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet
Become more few?

How many hands have I shaked?
They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

I know that the human being
And the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope,
Where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher!
I am the Decider!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Entry for May 21, 2007

If you are so inclined check out this blog site. Just started by the CEO of the Humane Society of the United States. This will be posted every day and he will give deep information into the running of the Humane Society that you wouldn't usually get from just reading their web site. Hope you enjoy it.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Entry for May 18, 2007

Today's Friday Five submitted bySeashell & Jojo. These are GREAT questions !!

Home Sweet Home:

1. Are you a local yokel or a nomadic gypsy? How many places have you lived as a child? As an adult? I suppose I am a nomadic gypsy. My father was in the US Army so I lived in 6 different place as a child, some of them more than once. I lived in Virginia and New Jersey 3 times each. Once I reached adulthood I only lived in 3 different places, Virginia, New York City and Cottonwood Arizona, where I am now. I still do rearrange my furniture all the time though.
2. Growing up, did you have one household to call home or do you come from a split or blended family? My family was old fashioned and even though we lived everywhere we were always together. Just the wee four of us, Mom, Dad, me and sis.
3. Do you live near your parents/grown children/ other family and/or childhood home now? My sister Robin and her husband live in Culpepper Virginia and I live in Arizona, and thats all there is.
4. What type of area/housing do you live in i.e.: urban, suburban, rural, apartment, house, duplex etc. etc.? I am sort of rural suburban, and I live in a mobil home that I rent.
5. Did you ever expect to be living where you are today and are you content there or do you aspire to be somewhere else? If so, where? Not in a million years did I ever expect to be living here and I already have a 4 year plan of getting out of this place and moving back to civilization. That means back east near where ever my sister is.

As always to play it's all quite simple: copy the questions in your blog, comment here onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog (or if you need help just comment here and I'll find your link for you) and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Entry for May 17, 2007

Well while I slow soak the roses in the front yard I thought I would contemplate the concept of water restrictions. The state of Arizona is basically nothing but desert and we have been in the throes of a drought for the past 12 years, ( my friends in Australia can appreciate this) so this doesn't leave much water. Now the big huge massive metropolis of Phoenix and all its out lying towns and suburbs don't seem to be very acquainted with the concept of no water. They don't want those tourists to think that they have a problem or those developers either so the city government just pretends they have all the water they want and they do not impose any water restrictions. So people have pools everywhere, evaporating water into the air, fountains, golf courses to water, people water their yards when ever they want to, washing cars, cleaning their driveways with water, you would think they were back east. I do believe ( in their favor) that the government has asked them to use their good judgment in the use of water, yeah right these people all come from places they have water, what do they know. Any way to get back to the subject in my little town of Cottonwood up in the high desert of Arizona our water company has decided it is time to take matters into their own hands and has come up with water shortage plans, and we are now on water restrictions. Which is fine by me and I am very proud of our water company actually. The biggest issue right now is the watering of the yards, plants etc. Since I am a odd number house I get to water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. So today being Thursday I am busy out side helping my small lawn to grown and the few flowers I have. Was going to plant vegetables this year but when I heard about this I really didn't think it was a smart idea. Last year I let everything in my yard die. Didn't water anything except the roses, but I couldn't take it. I like a bit of grass and I really like some nice flowers and I wanted to make a nice little garden for Mr. Khay to be buried in. So before 9 in the morning and after 5 in the eventing I am out there watering like mad. In the house I am trying to conserve as much as possible, no running water washing dishes or teeth, wash as many clothes as possible in one load, don't flush too often, oh boy you could go on for days. I sure hope this will all help because now the forest fires are starting and we are going to need all the water we can get to fight them. ( another thing my friends in Australia can appreciate) it is going to be bad this year and I must say I am a wee bit scared. I live right on the edge of a National forest no trees but there sure is a lot of brush and scrub trees. The thought of seeing fire out there is not pleasant.

Well those are my thoughts for the day, got to get back to the hose in the roses bushes so it doesn't over flow.

Hope who ever reads this has a great day and up coming weekend.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Entry for May 14, 2007

I get these little Notes from Tom Rush periodically. He has been one of my favorite singer song writers since my 20's. Well when I got the notice for this new song of his that is on YouTube I just had to pass this along. It is so cute I couldn't even wait till Saturday. Any of you out there over 50 will appreciate this.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Entry for May 13 2007/ VINCENT VAN GOGH, PORTRAITS

GachetI always like to go back to my favorite artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Today we will look at two of his portraits. One of Van Gogh's more famous portraits, this gentleman Dr. Gachet had quite a famous history in the Impressionist art world, which you can read about below, thanks to the Art Museum.

Gachet, Dr Paul (1828-1909) Perhaps one of the most fascinating figures in the history ofImpressionism, he was a doctor who specialized in homeopathy, a psychiatrist, an engraver, a Darwinian, a Socialist and a consistently helpful and generous patron and friend to all those artists with whom he came into contact. As a young student in Paris he had frequented the Brasserie des Martyrs, and after concluding his medical studies at Montpellier he became a frequenter of the seminal Café Guerbois. He bought a house at Auvers-sur-Oise and, in his studio there, became an enthusiastic engraver, partly as a consequence of his earlier contacts withDaumier, Charles Méryon and Rodolphe Bresdin, artists whose styles were reflected in his own. He signed his works `Paul van Ryssel', deriving the surname from his native village near Lille.

It was in this studio that several of the Impressionists took up etching:Cézanne produced there an etching ofGuillaumin, as well as painting a number of flower pieces arranged in Delft vases for him by the doctor's wife. On the recommendation ofPissarro, Gachet tookVincent van Gogh into his house in 1890, and it was in Auvers that he committed suicide. Gachet's great collection of paintings by all the major figures of the movement was given to the state by his son and is now in the Musée d'Orsay.

This is one of my favorites just because it is so strange. In Van Gogh's earlier periods he painted in very dark browns. Many of his paintings of Dutch peasants are examples of this.



Friday, May 11, 2007

Entry for May 11, 2007

Time for Friday Five. This one I guess you just roll with, looks like fun. Thanks Miss Five.

A Multiple Choice Friday Five:

  1. Morning Drink: Coffee, Tea, or Other? Oh most certainly coffee. I am a coffee nut, must have it ground fresh in my kitchen and I keep the beans in a container in the fridge to keep them fresh. I try and buy organic which really does taste better, when I can't do that I go for Starbucks but I am now also looking for free market coffee when ever I can get it.
  2. Type of Movie: Drama, Comedy or Musical? I am more of the dramatic comedy person. I always want my movies to have a happy ending. I don't care what happens in between but I want the good guys to win and no dead animals. Can't go there. I can be a bit romantic also if not too mushy. I liked "Must Like Dogs" which is a sure romance but there was the animal bit which did help. I really liked the Queen. Drama, a little tears, Queen wins in the end. My perfect movie.
  3. Going on vacation: Planes, Trains, or Automobiles? I love taking car trips, but not too far and since when I go on vacation I want to take myself completely out of the ordinary I guess I have to go for planes, they take you the farthest away, but I hate flying, so all in all I think my favorite would have to be a good long train trip. Went across the country twice on the old Sante Fe, just fabulous. It is almost as good as a ship, lots of people to meet and you can get up and move around, the trip becomes the vacation. Too bad you can't travel to places on ships any more, it's all that cruise thing , which I can't stand. Went across the Atlantic and Pacific twice , one to Japan and then Turkey, now that is the way to travel.
  4. Mode of communication: Telephone, Internet, or Writing letters? Love the phone and email. Email is starting to get my big vote for quick chats and " Hey what's going on?" but I think for personal the phone is best. I do like to write a nice note now and then. I have tons of pretty note cards. I think that is the only girly part of me.
  5. Favorite meal: Breakfast, Lunch or Supper? Supper? boy haven't heard it called that in a while, I think someones Kansas is coming out. I love a good lunch out in a restaurant, but dinner at home I think is my favorite. I don't like to cook so that isn't the reason , I think it is just because it is finally the end of the day and I can relax. But Sunday morning breakfast is my favorite breakfast. Mon always fixed a good one, biscuits, eggs, sausages, things like that and then off to church. Boy do things change, no church, no sausages.

Well that was fun. Thanks Miss Five. Nice way to start the day with my favorite morning drink, coffee.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Entry for May 09, 2007

Be Kind to Animals Week

Don’t forget that May 6 th -12 th isBe Kind to Animals Week. We know that all of our MUTTS fans are probably very kind to animals, but this is a good week to encourage others to adopt a pet or support your local animal shelter. Have you done your spring cleaning of the linen closets yet? With young animals arriving each day, most are in need of your old towels and sheets, and also high on the list: dog and kitten formula for bottle feeding orphans. Contact your local shelter to find out how you can help.


Remember It's not over yet. I have started helping my local Humane Society to build a new building where they will be able to house so many more homeless cats and dogs and not have to put any healthy animals to death for lack of space. Even took over some blankets and towels today. You too can do this in your neighborhood. Doesn't take a lot to help. A little volunteer time, a couple of dollars for a donation, drop off some food, little things mean so much when it comes to helping those who can not help themselves.


Friday, May 4, 2007

Entry for May 04, 2007 Friday Five, once more

I must have done the one I missed last week yesterday so it seems like today is the one I suggested to Miss Friday Five, how cool, so here we go.

A Green Friday Five

  1. What do you do to aid in conservation of natural resources (aka going green - such as recycling or purchasing 'greener' products?) I bring my own canvas bag to the grocery store, I use my old newspapers to clean up the Kitty littler, I buy energy efficient light bulbs and my favorite thing is I hang my clothes on the line. I do a lot of sheet laundry because I am a massage therapist and In the warm weather all the sheets go on the line. I feel like I am channeling my mother when I do this, all our cloths went on the line, even after we got a dryer.
  2. Do you or would you own a hybrid or electric car (or use public transport?)
  3. If I could afford one I most certainly would buy one, I sort of wish I was back in New York City where I didn't have to own a car, out here it is a problem and I have to drive for work, so when I am not out on a job I try not to get in the car.
  4. What do you think about the possibility of 'going green'? Is it something an average person can do without large sacrifices? Have you considered it?
  5. There are always sacrifices in good things but if you put your mind to it the average person could do many things to go green. A few of the things I suggested help. The most important thing right now is to cut back on things that cause global warming, use efficient energy, get those new light bulbs just doing that alone saves an unbelievable amount of energy. I am only one person so it is easy for me to do these thing. A big family with kids might have a problem but just a few adjustments in each persons life would make a big difference.
  6. What grade would you give your country in regards to it's conservation efforts (A for best and F for definite big problems) and why? Well we certainly know the US gets a big fat F since we are run by oil hungry money grubbing scum who only care about how much money can be made at the expense of the environment and our entire world.
  7. Global warming - feel free to discuss or offer an opinion: is it a man made occurrence or is it something that just happens in cycles on the Earth? It may occur naturally periodically because the earth tends to balance itself out. But what we are going through now is certainly being made worse by us. Ever since the industrial revolution got started we have been working up to where we are now and hopefully we can some how sort this out. It is a shame that so many people in this world only care about their greedy selves and their interests, religion, money, things like that instead of the place we live, that goes and we are in big trouble, if we are not careful we will go the way of the dinosaurs.

Thanks Steph for using my idea for a green Friday, I hope every one has a good time with it.


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Entry for May 04, 2007/ Early Friday Five

Relationships, friendships, and mistakes (oh my ):

1) What are 5 of the dumbest things you've ever done?

Oh boy I am doing so many dumb things all the time it is hard to pin point anything in particular. I always say things I shouldn't , the foot in mouth syndrome, and I am very clumsy and am always tripping over myself at very inopportune moments. Oh yes I remember I once but a cigarette out on my husband,s stomach, missed the ash tray. That was a goody.

2) What are 5 good ways to say you're sorry?

One really good way of saying I'm sorry is just that "I'm sorry" . There is really nothing else that needs said, I think any thing after that is just rationalizing.

3) What 5 white lies do you use to avoid trouble or hurt feelings?

Usually I don't lie to people. I am a big teller of truths and if people have trouble with that or get hurt feelings, I apologize about making them feel bad but I tell them at least they know the truth.

4) What are your 5 favorite love songs?

Unchained Melody, Danny Boy, I think that is it. I am not a big fan of love songs.

5) What are 5 things you do when you're sad?

Cry, Sleep, Smoke, Hide from people, Hold my furry family close.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Entry for May 02, 2007/ Poetry Wednesday/ For Khay

This Old Cat

I'm getting on in years,
My coat is turning gray.
My eyes have lost their luster,
My hearing's just okay.
I spend my day dreaming
Of conquests in my past,
Lying near a sunny window
Waiting for its warm repast.

I remember our first visit,
I was coming to you free,
Hoping you would take me in
And keep me company.
I wasn't young or handsome,
Two years I'd roamed the street.
There were scars upon my face,
I hobbled on my feet.

I could sense your disappointment
As I left my prison cage.
Oh, I hoped you would accept me
And look beyond my age.
You took me out of pity,
I accepted without shame.
Then you grew to love me,
And I admit the same.

I have shared with you your laughter,
You have wet my fur with tears.
We've come to know each other
Throughout these many years.
Just one more hug this morning
Before you drive away,
And know I'll think about you
Throughout your busy day.

The time we've left together
Is a treasured time at that.
My heart is yours forever.
I Promise - This old cat.

Author:K.C. Bigamon

Web:KC's Beloved Cats & Poems