Today's Friday Five submitted bySeashell & Jojo. These are GREAT questions !!
Home Sweet Home:
1. Are you a local yokel or a nomadic gypsy? How many places have you lived as a child? As an adult? I suppose I am a nomadic gypsy. My father was in the US Army so I lived in 6 different place as a child, some of them more than once. I lived in Virginia and New Jersey 3 times each. Once I reached adulthood I only lived in 3 different places, Virginia, New York City and Cottonwood Arizona, where I am now. I still do rearrange my furniture all the time though.
2. Growing up, did you have one household to call home or do you come from a split or blended family? My family was old fashioned and even though we lived everywhere we were always together. Just the wee four of us, Mom, Dad, me and sis.
3. Do you live near your parents/grown children/ other family and/or childhood home now? My sister Robin and her husband live in Culpepper Virginia and I live in Arizona, and thats all there is.
4. What type of area/housing do you live in i.e.: urban, suburban, rural, apartment, house, duplex etc. etc.? I am sort of rural suburban, and I live in a mobil home that I rent.
5. Did you ever expect to be living where you are today and are you content there or do you aspire to be somewhere else? If so, where? Not in a million years did I ever expect to be living here and I already have a 4 year plan of getting out of this place and moving back to civilization. That means back east near where ever my sister is.
As always to play it's all quite simple: copy the questions in your blog, comment here onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog (or if you need help just comment here and I'll find your link for you) and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog.
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