Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well I hope everyone had a good holiday. I took most of Saturday off and all of Sunday and Monday off. Just finally getting back to work today. I really needed that reat. I have been working straight through for the last 14 days and I have had it.

I must admit I have not been good with catching up with everyone because I have been over playing on Face book. There are some of you there witch is great but I am sending out feelers to see how many more of you I can get over there. I must say I am having fun with it. Don't get me wrong. I love this place but I have found many old friends from my past on there and that is really exciting. and they send me notices when someone visits which I have yet had Multiply do for me. I have tried and tried to get this message thing sorted out. I have sent them emails,everything, it just doesn't work and it frustrates me. Oh well. I am still pissed off at Yahoo for ever messing with 360. That new place looked good for a second and then it turned out to be junk. If any one out there that I don't know about is on Face book let me know.

I am not working too much this week so I hope to be catching up. The cigarette not smoking thing isn't working too well. I really have to spend more time on the computer.

Love ya all

Susan and the fur kids.


  1. glad you had a chance to take a well-deserved break! i gave up on Y 360 ages ago. i figured since they turned into such an inconvenience, they could have the inconvenience of deleting all my blogs, etc, LOL. i *might* just give this facebook thing a go, we'll see. don't get discouraged with the smoking thing.......some of those habits just take a while to break. my love to you all. ; D

  2. deb face book is okay and fun but so is multiply I am on facebook and a bunch from here to so is susan
    sunsan we are all upset at yahoo sad what they did-but this is working and slowly you will like it more-

  3. Keep at it. Brian a smoker of over 60 years gave up for the 3rd time over 6 months ago...he is doing well. I'm really proud of him. I like playing on facebook tho I don't blog there. All my family are over there and yes I've caught up with alot of old friends too.
