Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No longer a Nicotine Addict

I can't remember how long ago it was that I decided I would tell you all how I was going to quit smoking. Months at least.

Well it didn't work. that time.

Now thanks to a most wonderful book, I can say that I am happily no long a smoker. Last nite I celebrated my third week of no smoking. After three weeks all the nicotine that was ever in your body is gone. I am the happy non smoker and I will never be a smoke again. I know this for a fact.

the wonderful book I read is titled " The Easy Way to Stop Smoking".

My dear friend Scott gave this to me after he quit. I know you will laugh at the Easy Way if you have tried but I tell you that after reading this book it is easy.

When I choose to put out my last cigarette (9PM that Monday evening three weeks ago) I knew it would be forever, actually he tells you to keep smoking while you read the book and before I got it finished I wanted to quit so bad I just couldn't wait to finish the book.

I know you are questioning how this is possible but take my word for it and if any of you want to quit smoking and couldn't do it, like me, then give this book a read. It might take two, maybe even three reads, depending on how bad you are, but believe me if you want to stop it will work.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

By Alan Carr

Do it, its great. I am the happy happy non smoker, I do not feel deprived and the withdrawal was really no big deal. I am so healthy right now, I feel great, have tons of energy. I forgot what this felt like.

Oh and I only gained 4 pounds and have lost 2 of them all ready.



  1. Well done from someone who has been nicotine free now for 8 years:)

  2. Congratulations! I've heard that quitting is one of the hardest things to accomplish. I've never smoked (don't drink coffee either), and after watching so many of my friends try to stop only to go back again, I'm glad I chose not to start! I'll have to write that title down...my oldest son wants to stop but has never been able to...perhaps this will help him! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Congratulations! In five weeks I will be four years without cigarettes and I feel SO much better! The withdrawal and the cravings were a horror for me but that's long since past. Good luck to you!

  4. That is a splendid accomplishment! Glad you are feeling so great!

  5. Hooray Susan. That is a real milestone. I may need the book though. And thanks for passing it on for those of us who just can't seem to kick it. Smiles.

  6. OMG, how wonderful, i am so very proud of you!

  7. so proud of you susan knew you could do it :)

  8. I have to give credit to the guy who wrote the book for not having gone loco that first week. The way he talks about smoking really made a difference. Congrats to you too.

  9. The book will make it sooooo much easier to quit. Even I thought it was so hard, tried many times until I read this book. Definitely pass it on to your son.

  10. You should definitely order that book. 11 bucks on Amazon.com
    It really made it so much easier. It is all about getting past the fear of quitting and the brainwashing of how you can't live with out a cigaretter. Guess what, you can, live that is and live well. Good luck.

  11. Hey thanks you all for your congrats. I am one happy camper.

  12. If you ever feel like you have never accomplished anything-think again. If you can quit smoking..you can DO anything. I did it..wow....its been awhile but I remember that itz so hard to stop! Good goin'.

  13. I sure hope so. I have been thinking about you a lot these past few days and wonderfing how and where you are. Great to hear from you I will come visit. Hope you and Buster are doing well.
