Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Clouds are Rolling

This is close to what my valley looks like this morning minus the rain. Hugh black bellied clouds rolling in from the west covering the tops of the mountains. Sitting right next to a giant patch of startling blue. More rain clouds moving in from the North where Sedona keeps her beautiful self. You can see the red rocks of the buttes with the faintest of sun shinning on them. I am so hoping that this will all turn into some type of beautiful autumn rain storm. As usual we sure can use it. It is beautiful, clouds as far as the eye can see. Arizona comes with a really far horizon. I can see mountains from my house that are as far away as the town next to the Grand Canyon. Pretty cool.

Have a great Sunday you all.  Enjoy what ever it is you will be doing.



  1. Ooh, that photo is magnificent ... majestic skies ...

  2. now that is an art sunday
    oh! and "hi" velvet


  3. Yeah, I thought so too. That photo fits in with so many things I write about. Especially since the weather is such a big topic out here.

  4. Makes me homesick. I love it when you post these photos. Smiles.

  5. yes we do. After all these years I am finally starting to appreciate it.
