Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ring around the moon

Well I sure wish I had a photo but,

I just went out to get the paper it's 6:33 AM and of course almost black out except for this incredable moon out there with this huge ring around it. It almost fills the whole sky. What a sight,




  1. good morning! i posted a pic of the ring around the moon yesterday. ; D

  2. good morning and wish I to had a pic of it-

  3. Yes it did look just like that, only not so full. Great shot. I visited and forgot to write anything. I am in a daze. I have been working too many days in a row. I finally have tomorrow off. But don't get me wrong I am not complaining, never complain about having work.

  4. Check out greenwytch's photos from yesterday, she has a photo of it.

  5. bless your heart, hun. yes, it's great that you've got plenty of work, but i sure hope you can get some rest. R snapped that pic the first night of the full moon. ; D

  6. BTW they also call this a snow ring

  7. you inspired a second blog from me today! ; D

  8. It is amazing!!! I wish I could see the moon that way here too! There are so many high constructions around my house! I enjoy watching the sky every time I go to Crete (Greece). Near the house of my grand parents there is... nothing!!! Just the house and some olive trees... It is amazing!

  9. Narice, thanks that is just great. We are expecting snow in the highlands tonight.

  10. Yeah I am so lucky where I am , hardly any extra light and no high buildings at all.
