Well you know it doesn't look like that because I live in Arizona but, I just love looking at that snow. That photo was taken by a friend back in NYC about three years ago. Big blizzard, which is probably what they are having in Flagstaff about 40 minutes north of Cottonwood where I live. We are getting the rain they promised. If it had just been a bit colder we might have been lucky enough to get a bit of that snow.
The whole valley is covered in clouds. You would never know there are mountains all around us. I think when this all clears there will be snow on them too. Our mountains are only about 5000 feet where Flag is about 7500 so they get the real weather up there. We still could get snow if the conditions get worse. Please, please.
You may think I am nuts but snow here isn't bad. It very rarely sticks on the roads just on the ground, which is the best type of snow. Back in the 60's they did have a big blizzard here in town, got about a foot or more of snow, roofs caved in, it was bad. When I first moved out here 13 years ago, we still got great snow in December, first year we got about 6 inches, of course that was the only time it snowed that year. Since the draught has gotten worse, no snow. It's sad. I love snow. I sometimes wonder what the hell I am doing out here. Even though I am in Northern Arizona where we do have real seasons, it just isn't the same as back in good old NYC.
This will last at least two days and since we are in an El Nino year we could be in for a lot of rain, which is good for us. Sadie didn't think much of it this morning when we went for the walk. It was still fairly dark and well my dog doesn't do well with rain. It was a short walk.
Hope your day is good.
Snow is not my thing, that's why I live in Florida. When I was at the Grand Canyon the first week of Oct, it did sleet for about 10 minutes, haven't been in any of that in 24 years since I moved here. Quite chilly for this tropical gal.
ReplyDeleteoh, how exciting for you! we don't usually get much of it here, either......and perhaps that's why i like it so much, LOL. i'm not sure how i would feel about it if i had to deal with it for 3 or 4 months out of the year!
ReplyDeletey'all enjoy it while it lasts.....i know i will, when it gets here.
HUGS to you all!
Flag did seem to be where everyone said it snows a lot. I was glad to only get the dusting we did while we were there. I wasn't ready to give in to winter at that time. Now Things Have chilled here too. So Winter, It is. Now to have a safe and fun chilly few weeks, then back to spring. Yeah!
ReplyDeleteYeah the solstice will be upon us soon and with more sun comes less weather, well, that is the way it is suppose to work. We will see. Just think if you were back in Alaska you would be buried in the stuff by now.
ReplyDeleteI still have that winter thing going for me, but then again, we really don't have much winter here. Just enough to make it fun and not miserable. Ar those red rocks behind you in the photo?
ReplyDeleteWe tend to get the same weather. Rain, not much snow, never really cold, cold, like all day in the teens cold. Fine by me. But now and again. Especially at this time of the year.
ReplyDeleteoh, yeah.....we need to connect with the winter fae and Goddess. ; D
ReplyDeleteI dislike snow in the worst way-here e just gt snow slush ugh but not yet we are hving lots of rain and it is warm for mid Dec.
ReplyDeletewe got some rain today and tonight...but the high country got slammed w/snow......it was a beautiful day Susan. How much Sue did you get/ You had to get some being so close to Flag.
ReplyDeleteNo snow on the ground but the mountains around the Valley are covered just look beautiful. Ice all over my deck this morning couln't walk on it. The wind was so stong it blew everything in my yard everywhere, blew down almost all my bamboo fencing. That will be fun putting back up. The rain was wonderful. Poured all day all last night. New one coming on Thursday. We should make up for all the lost rain in the next two or three days.
ReplyDeleteya, i got a tree uprooted in the front yard. it had red lights on it too...hee hee. my reindeer blue over in the yard too...everything blew over! It was great.......sideways rain...omg.....i hope you get your bamboo fence back up.....can't wait til thursday.
ReplyDeleteFinally got everything back yesterday afternoon, while the sun was sort of out. Hope the next storm isn't as windy. Hope your deer is in one piece. Your poor tree. Hate to see a tree die.