Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good morning all.


Since most of us either have Rosemary in our garden or floating around our kitchen some where I thought this would be interesting. A dear friend forwarded it to me.

 It is said to be used to improve memory, among other things...Take a look at the attached.
·         Known as the herb of remembrance and is said to symbolize loyalty and friendship.
·         Ancient Romans and Greeks used it to improve memory and rejuvenate the spirits.
·         In traditional European medicine, rosemary was used internally as a tonic, stimulant and carminative to treat flatulence.  It was also used to treat dyspepsia, mild gastrointestinal upsets, colds, headaches, and nervous tension.  In India, it was used to treat headaches.
·         Modern day herbalist use Rosemary to assist with illnesses related to the gall bladder and liver.  Rosemary is also used as an antiseptic for treating flu, viruses and colds and is said to help lower blood sugar and raise blood pressure.
·         Many persons gargle rosemary tea to treat mouth ulcers and to fight halitosis.
·         To make tea = 2 tsp dried leaves in  1 cup water, steep for 20 mins.
·         The oil distilled from the leaves can be mixed with a vegetable oil and used in massage therapy.  Applied externally, the oil brings relief for muscular and arthritic pain.
·         In Europe, Rosemary oil treats rheumatic conditions, bruises and circulatory problems. When applied in such a way, it is said to stimulate an increased blood supply. 
·         Rosemary oil – or freshly cut sprigs – can be added to bath water to soothe aching muscles and joints.
·         Steep rosemary in vinegar or olive oil and add to salad dressings or use as a marinade for meats or vegetables.
·         Put a sprig or leaves in the sweater drawers to repel moths.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy World Animal Day

and Happy Birthday to Saint Francis lover of all animals.

Big hugs and kisses for all you fur kids.

Have a great fall day


Saturday, October 1, 2011

History of the Galaxy

 Hey all you space geeks out there, have fun with this one.


News Release Number: STScI-2010-01

Galaxy History Revealed in This Colorful Hubble View

An American Astronomical Society Meeting Release

January 5, 2010: More than 12 billion years of cosmic history are shown in this unprecedented, panoramic, full-color view of thousands of galaxies in various stages of assembly. This image, taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, was made from mosaics taken in September and October 2009 with the newly installed Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and in 2004 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). The view covers a portion of the southern field of a large galaxy census called the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), a deep-sky study by several observatories to trace the evolution of galaxies.

The final image combines a broad range of colors, from the ultraviolet, through visible light, and into the near-infrared. Such a detailed multi-color view of the universe has never before been assembled in such a combination of color, clarity, accuracy, and depth.

See the rest:

Monday, September 26, 2011


I just went crazy and deactivated my Facebook account. I can go back if I want, how nice of them. Boy do they try and get you not to leave, they grabbed photos from my other friends accounts with the notice about each of them that "Lea will miss you" " Michael will miss you"A bit  too much I think, and we think we are safe on there. I don't think so. any way so much for facebook. Most of my friends from there are here any way. So no biggie.

Very sad, my Cardinals are not doing so well. Struggling I would say, but the whole season is in front of them, we shall see.

More and more it seems like fall.

I am smiling.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Go Diamondbacks

We are the champions.

Go Diamondbacks.

On to the World Series


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Space Thursday ( boy I hope this works)

I hope all the goodies on here work as I had to copy this from it's site. All the sites that have share icons never have Multiply, things I have never heard of, but never Multiply. Time to speak to them about that.





News Release Number: STScI-2011-17

Pandora's Cluster – Clash of the Titans

June 22, 2011: A team of scientists studying the galaxy cluster Abell 2744, nicknamed Pandora's Cluster, have pieced together the cluster's complex and violent history using telescopes in space and on the ground, including the Hubble Space Telescope, the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, the Japanese Subaru telescope, and NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.

The giant galaxy cluster appears to be the result of a simultaneous pile-up of at least four separate, smaller galaxy clusters that took place over a span of 350 million years. The galaxies in the cluster make up less than five percent of its mass. The gas (around 20 percent) is so hot that it shines only in X-rays (colored red in this image). The image is a composite of separate exposures made by Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys detectors in October 2009, the VLT, and the Chandra ACIS detector. Hubble provides the central, most detailed part of the image, while the VLT, which has a wider field of view, provides the outer parts of the image. The distribution of invisible dark matter (making up around 75 percent of the cluster's mass) is colored here in blue.

See the rest:

Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Merten (Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


No Joy in facebook land. What a mess. I wonder what the kids think of all the changes or is just us old foggies who don't like it. Everything was so easy at the beginning. Just a few drop bys to see what people were up too. I am so glad that all my old friends from 360/Multiply are still here.  Nothing wrong with short blogs. I think I have had it with facebook.


Oh Joy

Oh joy oh joy, I had to wear a sweater to go out and pick up the newpaper this morning.

Oh joy, oh joy No more " don't ask, don't tell". It's about time the armed forces have respect for all who fight for our country.

Happy soon to be the Autumn Equinox.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Trip to the Ranch

this is where the doggies and I went this morning. I use to live on this ranch, it has cows and irrigation ditches and pastures and that cute ranch shack is what I use to live in. It is full of junk right now, but when I was there it was the best little place. Except for the fact that the only heat I had came from a wood burning stove. I got very good at starting fires.
So we have pics of the upper (where Sadie is walking) irrigation ditch and lower ( which is the bigger one at the bottom of the hill) pastures and trees.
Of course there is Sadie and Jack being wild and crazy.


We have finally started to get the monsoon effect rain here. I am gloriously happy.

For the past three days we have gotten storms here at least twice a day. Torrential downpours. This morning it is humid and my skin says thank you great mother and your rain guys. The moisture is just getting sucked up everywhere.

Well it is our friends Debs birthday and I am wishing her many many more and today should be very special for her.

Got that you witchy garden woman you.

I will be out and about checking over the art sales.

But now it is off to the ranch with the doggies. They really need a good run.

Good Sunday to you all


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bird,s Nest

Just had to share this.

I have a sweet mommy bird building a nest in the big cactus right outside my kitchen window.

It is such a joy to have been watching her everyday getting that home ready for her babes.

I think this is close to being finished.

Hope you can see it in the photos with out too much trouble.


Saturday, July 2, 2011


As ususal here I am back again. I seem to do this a lot. No blog, yes blog. You think I would settle down into one place. I started missing things at Multiply when I found some old blogs of mine from Yahoo 360. First I went straight to facebook and posted my thougts on that, Then I came here where I knew things must still be going on and I was right. Nice and cozy here, with people I have been hanging with for scary, probably over 5 years.

Nice to be able to ramble on and not get cut off after 140 characters. Oh please.

I guess I will have to get some new pics up of the new doggie Jack. Put them on facebook but not here.

Rain is in the forecast for at least the next four days. I do not care if the fireworks get washed out. We need this rain soooo bad. The heat has actually gone up past 109 this past week. It is time to be rescued. We have not had this sort of heat in a good two years. The ground is parched and the wild life is coming out of the undergrowth looking for water. We had our first sighting of a mountain lion two days ago. My neighbor said he was just a young one who was scared away by my neighbors Beagle Jasper. These sightings always happen when it gets so dry. We do have the river near by but it is a long and dry walk for the poor wild kids and they need to stop off for a quick drink at my neighbors kiddy pool. Poor babies.

Still in painting vibe. Posted on face book about painting the big wall in my living room so now I am puttering around in my kitchen trying to sort out exactly what I want to do in there. We shall see.

Well everyone have a great independence day.


Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am loving all the great snow pics that Deb the garden witch has posted. Little chilly looking but beautiful

Finally here in Central Arizona we are (I think) over the worse part of our winter. Today it should be in the low 60's, can't beat that. I was actually able to put cloths on the line yesterday and they really dried. Sat out on the deck with the cats and dogs. It was great.

I wish lots of warmth and sun to all those out there who are not quite out of the winter yet.

Happy Thursday
