Friday, August 30, 2013

Good morning all, I am finally getting this place together. Thanks to the help of Loretta i am getting my layout put together. How am I doing?

Looks like it will just keep raining here until after Labor Day weekend and then we will start drying out. As much as we need the rain, everyday is getting a bit old. I am sitting here sweating it's so humid outside and it's only 7 in the morning. Oh well of course in about a week I will probably be complaining about the heat.

Just a little funny for the morning.


  1. LOL - cute! good morning, Susan. i'm getting tired of the heat/humidity - i am soooo looking forward to the Autumn season. have a great day, my friend. XO

  2. p.s.....your page looks great! i've not bothered to do anything with my page yet. ;)

  3. funny thing is I still haven't sorted out how to get the comments people leave to show up on my own email. I'm getting there.

    I will be so happy when autumn is here. too. Have a great day.

  4. Nice to see you back in the blogosphere.

  5. Hi Jacqui, I need to get over to your place and subscribe et all. happy sunday
