I am having a great deal of fun here trying to learn as much as I can about this place. Right now I am having fun posting photos.
It has finally stopped raining here but I don't think it will last. Weather people are calling for rain for days. We need it bad, I know this, but things are starting to mildew again. This is what happens when you live in a very under insulated single wide mobile. Yet I know that soon will come the dryness and then I will be complaining about that. I am just never happy.
Here's a photo, I am going to surprise myself to what it is.
Have a great day
Hey not a bad choice. My sister and I in Los Vegas for my 60th birthday.
good morning! i was wondering how you were faring with all of the rain. really sweet pic of you and your sis. looks like quite a fun time. yup, it's time to make ourselves at home over here.....YAY! have a great day, dear.
ReplyDeleteThis place is getting me very confused. I was writing a new blog and I saved it to go and get some other things to post on it and now I have now idea where it was saved to.
ReplyDeleteYeah that was a fun time with Robin and Jimmy in Vegas.
Hi Susan...............I wondered where your blog was on here. I don't see a gadget for joining or subscribing to this site ??
ReplyDeleteAlso……You will find your draft post in the dashboard, click 'posts' on the left hand list and you will see a list of all your blogs. Those that are saved are marked 'draft' if you hover the mouse under a post you will see various options, edit, view, share and delete, chose the edit option and you can carry on writing. Oncwe you have finished you can post in the normal way by clicking publish at the top of the page.
Hope this helps. if you have problems finding your way around here just let me know and I'll try to help. If it’s something I don't know there are a couple of people I know here who are more knowledgeable than I am
The other thing you need to do is to go to ‘Layout’ that’s at the bottom of this list on the left side of the dashboard. Click Layout, then click ‘add a gadget, then scroll down the list offered to you and click, ‘follow by email’ and save, then go back and click add a gadget again, then click ‘subscribe’, and save. Those two gadgets will give your readers the options of receiving email notification when you post and when others comment on your post and also of being a ‘follower’ of your blog. I’ve said this before, this place is not easy but; once mastered, I think its got more to offer than any where else. Just ask if you need a bit of help
Yeah I don't know what is going on with joining or subscribing. This site I have is very old and I don't know if that means anything but I will look around.
ReplyDeleteMy draft is in my dashboard? I will go looking. This place is confusing but I will come to you for help
great photo Susan and Happy Birthday too