Saturday, October 25, 2008

Been a long time

I was just able to find my own blog after searching through my other friends places to be. Pretty amusing that I couldn't remember my own password etc. It has been so long since I was here.
Just a comment to maybe get things rolling again.
This place really isn't a big deal for me because I am not a serious blogger. I like to chat a visit with friends. This place isn't chatty. Maybe I will use it to post my serious animal advocacy blogs
We will see.


  1. Welcome to Blogger (again), Susan!
    It was a pleasure to see your smiling face and comment left on my blog. I am hoping we shall be abel to reconstruct our Yahoo 360 community anew here on Blogger.

  2. I echo Nicholas V about the reconstructing of the Yahoo community. I didn't think when I first located blogs here (I have four) that it would be a friendly place like Yahoo 360 but their new following function has made it so easy to jump into dashboard in the morning and catch up with my friend's posts.

    I am still on Profiles too - split personality for the moment.
