Sunday, October 12, 2008

Entry for October 12, 2008

When you open this web You will wonder why I have posted this, Of course unless you live in California, since it is about a proposition that is on the ballot in California, but you should read what it is all about and understand where your food comes from. Animal abuse in food stock is rampant, and sooooo horrible. Animals in cages so small they can't move even turn around. Chickens having their becks pulled off so they can't peck each other in these tiny cages. And I am talking cages with 20-26 chickens stuffed in them. Nursing pigs who can't turn around or stand up in there pens. Cattle ( you know cow and baby cows other wise know as veal) being shocked and tormented as they are lead to slaughter. You know guys it ain't pretty. Now most of you out there eat these poor creatures so maybe you could in your own area fight for protection from abuse for them until they get to your table. Buy organic so that you will know that you dinner had a decent life before it gave it up so you can eat.

Think before you buy.


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