Friday, October 17, 2008

Good Morning

Surprise. Not that any one much cares after all this time. But I thought I would start hanging out around Multiply more.

I am trying to get in touch with all my friends which really looks like I will be every where. What can one do. I have even gotten my My Space page going again because some of the friends have gone there. Since winter is coming and I will be in the house most of the time I thought I would make my voice heard again.

So how are you all that I haven't seen for a while. Good I hope. Drop me some comments and you will see I will be out there also.

My biggest thing in life right now is my new baby kitty Spike you I will post a picture of and the economy here in the states. Oh please, it is time like this that I am glad I am poor. Looks like the recession is really kicking in. The last time this happened I was on unemployment three times. This time I just hope that my clients will be able to afford me. I have lost a few because of the housing market crashing, because they were in the business. Seems that the rest are holding on. The whole problem in a nutshell as I see it is the usual, my favorite three words. MONEY GRUBBING SCUM. Which is one of the reasons the stock market is all over the place. It's hard to even notice that we have a presidential election going on. What a mess.

So that's that for now. Hope you all haven't given up on me.

Be well



  1. hi, susan......and thanks for the pic of spike. gosh, what a cutie! today has been a very busy day for me, but i'll post a blog about it later, too. things are going well here. luis and i actually took a holiday together, going to east syracuse to visit with friends and attend the oktoberfest up there. you'll find an album on my page of the fun. other than that, alot of gardening, of course! great to hear from you over here. HUGS

  2. Hi, Susan! Spike is gorgeous! I'm sure things will get better. As you say, if you don't have stocks or need a loan, what's the problem??? Don't answer that, pls. ; - } Glad to hear from you!

  3. I had a kitty named Spike - he was a black and white pound cat....I'm here and glad to see you are here too. I think now that I'm out of the weeks and back online more, I'll get around this site better.

  4. Good to see you around again.(Yahoo really is impossible to blog on and it's smooth as silk here)
    Congratulations on the new member of your household! Spike is adorable!
