Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No Poetry Wednesday

No poems today just a big Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my friends out there in cyberland.

May the day be happy for you in what ever way you choose to celebrate if you do.

This day really isn't about eating, even though you would never know it. There are many out there with nothing to eat or very little.

I also don't think it is about giving thanks.

I think it is about being thankful. You can be thankful in your own heart or mind, don't need something or someone to give thanks to.

So I hope that even in these hard times that all of you are able to have at least one thing on this Thanksgiving day to be Thankful for.




  1. very well said, susan. there are so many reasons to be grateful. HUGS

  2. You have a wonder Thanksgiving, too! Love, Laurita

  3. I keep spelling it with one l. am I weird. I am thankful for you too.
    Have a very thankful day

  4. i guess i need to explain that

    a long time ago
    back when yahoo had message boards
    i typed as a response to something:
    "i think that's wonderfull"
    somebody pointed out that i misspelled the word
    which i had
    but it was on a message board getting 10,000 posts a day
    i never even bothered to capitalize
    so i responded:
    "i won't take the fullness of of my wonder ~ everyone else can if they wish"
    from that time on i always type
    from the message boards that carried over to 360
    and then here
    along with not bothering to capitalize
    i guess it is silly
    especially since those from the old days
    that know the background story
    if even they remember it
    rarely bother to show up on multiply now
    but i still do it out of habit
    and i guess a tip of the hat to days gone by
    i also type "oh my cod" or "OMC"
    but that's a whole other story


  5. Oh Nemo too cool. First I thought I had lost my mind because I am a lousy speller. I love that story, very cool. and I love OMC, I think I will use that, can I use that?

  6. i'd be honored

    i didn't come up wit it ~ it is an old inside joke

