Today's Summery Friday Five questions are courtesy ofMyk. GREAT summer questions !! For those of you who are having the frigid temperatures, think warm thoughts :D
Fun in the Summer:
1) Beach, lake, pool or other? Well I wish it was a beach which is my favorite since I was brought up mainly by the Atlantic Ocean but since I am in the middle of Arizona now it has to be a pool, which really isn't too bad, don't have to keep an eye out for sharks, ha ha.
2) Floaty, wave runner, paddle boat, canoe/kayak or other? If I could it would be sail boat small big who cares, in the pool I am the floaty. I like nothing better than floating flat on the water, close my eyes and all I can hear is the water. Great stuff.
3) Gas grill or charcoal? Do you have a favorite grilled/charcoaled dish? Most certainly charcoal, I am afraid of gass on a grill. Always afraid something is going to leak and blow up ( so who says I'm narotic?) Well it use to be salmon but since I don't do that any more I am big on veggie bergers and portabello mushrooms with olive oil, yummy.
4) Nude beach or clothed? (have you ever been to a nude/partially nude beach? Feel free to share.) Oh I am a clothed person. any one else can do what they want. I have never really been on a nude beach but when I was in the Netherlands on a beach at the North Sea there were many people running into the water sans clothing. Looked like they were having a good time.
5) Cold beer, mojitos, margaritas or other? Cold Beer. Nothing better on a hot day, and I don't care what it is. I am a Bud woman myself but a nice import never hurt.Great questions MYK, thanks.
If you would like to participate copy the questions and your answers in your blog, leave a comment on here onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog -just for the next two weeks I'll be running The Friday Five on 'autopilot. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but my son is visiting from Kansas I encourage everyone who can to visit some of the participants pages - we have a great group here ! I'm always amazed at the answers I read.
Remember - NO TIME LIMIT and HAVE FUN !!!
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