Saturday, August 4, 2007

Entry for August 04, 2007 Off we go to Mars again.

Thought they would have a great picture today of the rocket blasting off that is taking the new rover to Mars. It is a robotic rock and ice digger. NASA hopes that it will land by next spring. It will then have the summer sun to power its batteries until winter and then it freeze. It will be landing on the "Artic" of Mars to really look for water in the frozen areas of the planet. Maybe NASA will be able to find out if Mars would be habitable.

I think this is very exciting. We have no such thing as science fiction any more. It all now seems to be science fact. Maybe some day we will populate the galaxy.

So I give you something else but just as beautiful. Who knows maybe someday some form of human animal will be living under these four suns.

2007 July 30

The Four Suns of HD 98800
Illustration Credit:NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle (SSC)

Explanation:How would it look to have four suns in the sky? Planets of theHD 98800 system, if they exist, would experience such a view. HD 98800 is amultiple star system about 150 light years from Earth -- right in our section of theMilky Way Galaxy. For years it has been known thatHD 98800 consists of two pairs ofdouble stars, with one pair surrounded by a disk of dust. The star pairs are located about 50AU from each other -- in comparison just outside the orbit ofPluto. Recent data from the Earth-trailingSpitzer Space Telescope ininfrared light, however, indicate that the dust disk has gaps that appear consistent with being cleared by planets orbiting in the disk. If so, one planet appears to be orbiting at a distance similar to Mars ofour own Solar System. Picturedabove is an artist's drawing of how theHD 98800 system might appear to a nearby observer.

don't forget to read this with the cursur so you can find the interesting links that I was to lazy to hi-lite.


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