Just lost my first attempt at this doing spell check so lets try again. The uuummm and the picture is me thinking, oh help.
1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? An introvert or an extrovert? Optimist, I believe in positive thinking gets you positive results and most certainly on extrovert. Not an in your face extrovert, but it is hard for me to sit in a corner.
2. Are you a morning person/forced morning person/caffeine only morning person/nothing-good-about-mornings person (aka night owl) or can you work/sleep anytime? Yes I am a morning person with my coffee in my hand morning person, use to love to sleep in because my life was a night life, but no longer, I get up with the sun what ever time that might be and I love it..these days I only function in the daytime
3. Do you have a rigid routine for your day or are you more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person? In the morning I go by what the dogs want to do because I must walk them, so it's coffee, get the paper, check the computer and walk the doggies. I try and treat all else in my life, including my clients and their appointments spontaneously, that is the way life should be.
4. What kind of political stand do you take? (Conservative, liberal, other or none) The right stand,,,liberal...no only kidding .....but I am a liberal and that is my life not just my political leaning
5. What really sets your blood boiling? Grab your soapbox and elaborate .....Intolerance is what sets my blood boiling, people who must have everything their way or it's not the right way, I even tolerate attitudes like that but I do try and help them learn there is a better way. Tee Hee
If you would like to participate copy the questions and your answers in your blog, leave a comment onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog. Fun, easy, and no time limit.
Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and remember no laboring on Monday, it is the workers holiday, boy how did that happen
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