Well this is different. Friday Five today is about inventions.
Lets see what comes up.
1. What do you consider to be the greatest invention of all time? There are so many, I definitley go for the wheel, steam engine, harnessing electricity for a start.
2. What invention could you not get through the day without? Sad to say the automobile because I must use it in my work. But for my pleasure it is the printing press because I love to read.
3. Have you ever invented something (or thought about inventing something)? If so what? Not on a bet. Have no brain for things like that
4. What invention do you think society would've been better off without? Why? The cell phone, waste of time and really useless. We got along with out them just fine before. I know everyone is going to jump down my neck about that but ...........
5. What type of inventions do you think the future generations will contribute? Hope fully some easy way to get out into space and kids these days seem to be into saving the earth so most likely somethings to do with that, of course if they don't get caught up into the money grubbing scum scenario like their parents.
If you would like to participate copy the questions and your answers in your blog, leave a comment onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog. Fun, easy, and no time limit.
Let's Play !!
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