Celebrate ASPCA Day!
Top 10 Ways To Celebrate ASPCA Day!
April 10 is almost here—and we hope you’ll join us next Thursday in celebrating the ASPCA’s victories on behalf of animals and the joy they bring to pet parents everywhere. Weren’t able to finish knitting those matching orange sweater-and-bootie sets for your canine clan? No worries—we’ve got a list of ten easy and effective things you can do to show you care about animals—on ASPCA Day and every day!
1. Wear Something Orange!
Open your closet and get out those bright orange pants, shirts, ties, shoelaces and socks that you never wear because you don’t think they match anything. That’s a fashion myth we’d like to dispel—everyone looks great in orange! And when people compliment you on your awesome outfit, tell ‘em that by wearing orange—the ASPCA’s official color—on April 10, you’re showing the world that you care about animals and support the ASPCA’s efforts to protect them. P.S. What do you mean, you don’t have anything orange?! Check out theASPCA Day Store for some bright ideas.
2. Send an ASPCA Day eCard
Total effort this one takes? Just a few clicks of the mouse! Simplychoose one of our ten cards and we’ll email the card to whomever you’d like, whether it’s your mom in Idaho or every dog-obsessed friend you’ve got on your electronic mailing list! You can even include a message if you want to add that personal flair.
3. Hang Up an ASPCA Day Poster
Another simple way to spread the word—let our posters do the talking! Download our specially designed ASPCA Day posters and hang them up in high-trafficked areas and businesses around your neighborhood. How about your local pet supply store, vet’s office, community center or library?
-City Version (.pdf)
-Suburb Version (.pdf)
4. Help Us Paint the Big Apple Orange!
If you’ll be in New York City on April 10, Union Square isthe place to be from 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. You’ll get to meet our adorable, adoptable animals, enjoy live music and meet the ASPCA’s animal cops from Animal Planet's Animal Precinct...and lots more! We hope you’ll stay ‘til sundown, when buildings around the neighborhood—and throughout the city—will light up in ASPCA orange.
5. Pay Your Bills
You can show your support for animals with every check you write! OurASPCA checks from Checks In The Mail feature adorable dogs and cats (your choice), and you can purchase matching address labels, too. In recognition of ASPCA Day, you’ll receive a $2 discount on checks if you order by April 30.
6. Take Our Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty
What better way to celebrate ASPCA Day than renewing your commitment to protecting animals andtaking the pledge to fight animal cruelty? Just a click will help you learn how to identify and report abuse, stay up-to-date on the latest animal cruelty news and learn how to write letters to your legislators in the name of animals.
7. Let Your Money Do the Talking!
How to help after all your orange gear has been put away? Show your support every day with the ASPCA credit card. By using the card, you are supporting efforts to prevent animal cruelty. Please note that Chase donates $75 to the ASPCA for all new accounts that are used and kept open for at least 6 months.Apply here.
8. Talk to An ASPCA Animal Cop
ASPCA Day is a time to celebrate our victories on behalf of animals, and many of these victories result from the lifesaving work of our ASPCA Humane Law Enforcement officers. You’ve probably seen them in action on Animal Planet’s hit series,Animal Precinct, and now’s your chance to talk with ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator Annemarie Lucas firsthand! Find out how you can prevent animal cruelty next Tuesday, April 8, when Officer Lucas will be hosting a live, online chat at ourASPCA Online Community from noon to 2:00 P.M., EST.
9. Rise and Shine…
Hey New Yorkers, how early are you willing to wake up to help animals? We're looking for volunteers to attend the morning news show on April 10 wearing orange and holding posters. We’ll be meeting at 6:00 A.M. at:
- The Today Show (NBC), corner of 49th St. and Fifth Ave.
10. Enter the 2008 ASPCA Day Community Leader Contest
The prize: an all-expenses-paid, three-day trip to New York City, a year’s supply of pet food, a gift basket and tour of ASPCA headquarters, which includes a meet-and-greet with Animal Precinct officers and Ed Sayres, ASPCA President & CEO.
How to win it? Enter the second annual ASPCA Community Leader contest, sponsored by Iams® Dog and Cat Foods! Starting April 11, show us what you did to spread awareness of the importance of preventing cruelty to animals in your community.You’ll find more details here.