Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Update on the doggies and their training. We are doing well. They are not thrilled with having to wear them and my knees are getting worn out from have Jack rubbing his nose between them trying to get the gentle leader off. They are walking much better, not pulling any more. I keep telling them what good doggies they are. I get the feeling I might have to use them forever though as they learned to pull on their leashes way before I got them and I think it is ingrained in them. we shall see.


  1. sounds like you are making good progress with them. ; )

  2. If anything is getting done It is me learning some patience

  3. that's a very good thing, having more patience.

  4. Sometime this week I think I will start a little "come" training. Jack is not so good at that yet.

  5. he has a very loving and patient Mama, who is also a very good teacher.

  6. they will catch out

    dogs love to please

