Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Entry for September 23, 2008/ Newest Member of the Family

That little fuzzball is Spike.

Part Siamese and part orange tabby.

He is 7 weeks old now, was 6 when I adopted him.

Adopted him last week in the bank of all place. People giving him away.

Of course I couldn't resist.

Our family has needed some smiles and laughs and nothing can do that more than a little kitten.

Of course he needed a home and we had room


More pics to follow during his childhood.

Have a great day


Monday, September 22, 2008

Entry for September 22, 2008/ FINALLY FALL

Well the time is finally here, the official first day of Autumn.

Entry for September 22, 2008/ FINALLY FALL

Well the time is finally here, the official first day of Autumn.
My favorite time of the year.
Sorry to you all down under, I guess I am leaving you out.
Happy Spring.
But to all of you on this side of the equator
Happy Autumn,
Leaves falling
Wonderful colors
Temps changing
Halloween coming.
It is the best
Have a great day

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Entry for September 11, 2008/ My New Photo

Thought I would explain my new photo.

My (our) friend Jay sent me that great shirt. Love the concept, "I AM NOT ALONE" With the Russian nesting doll. Very cool.

Any way I wanted to send him a picture of me and the shirt. So this is the most current photo of myself, thought I would update my look on 360 and what a better way to do it.

Have stopped coloring my hair, so no more red. Even though that was my natural color it is now something that resembles gray streaks and brownish red in between. What fun getting older is.

Those are my reading glasses but I just love the way they look.

Hope you are enjoying my insanity.

I am sitting here with no phone service and the phone company won't be able to get to me till tomorrow. What fun.

Of course I am the last person in the world without a cell phone. Maybe I should start rethinking this.

Have a great day ya'll


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Entry for September 10, 2008New Atom Smasher

What I found on the front page of my paper this morning makes me so much happier than any news about this election fracas that is going on in this country.

The Large Hadron Collider will be switched on this morning in it's underground space beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The 17 mile long race track will eventually use high energy beams to smash atoms and analyze the remains. The results could provide more clues to how the universe formed and whether extra dimensions exist in space.

Now I don't know about you all, but that bit of news really gets my juices flowing.

I am not going to mess around with 360 blog pages this morning to try and put a link up to this story. I am sure you will be able to find more info in your local paper also or on line.

The universe is a strange and miraculous place. I think we should know all we can about it. After all it is our home.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Entry for September 04, 2008/ The Weather

I know I am pushing the season with that photo, but it doesn't take much for me to start thinking about autumn in Arizona.

The cool nights have already started. Down into the 50's the last two. Had to shut my window, just a little chilly.

In the desert all it takes is for the days to be shorter, not as much sun, and everything starts to be fallish. I think the monsoon is basically over. Last Sunday we had one of those beautiful days where it just quietly rained on and off all day. The beginning of fall. You can just feel it in your bones. Nice cool mornings now and even though the temps during the day are still in the low 90's there is a cool breeze creeping around which makes things so pleasant.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year any where, but after living in Central/Northern Arizona for 11 years now I find it to most certainly be my favorite here.

Time to start checking out the goodies on the land to start making my fall wreath this year.

Everyone have a great day.

My word for Thursday is Autumn and you all know what that means.


\and Jake dog says hi too.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Entry for September 02, 2008/ The passing of Goldie

Two weeks ago my wonderful long living Goldie dog passed away from just plain old age. She was 16 rapidly going on 17 this coming January.

She lived with us for two years and I know just had the best time of her life.

I always called her the perky dog because she never just walked she always pranced like she was a show dog. Even near the end I could see her in the back yard still going for a little prance.

Her favorite thing was spending hours on walks with her nose to the ground. She would spend the longest time smelling things. When Jake and her and I would be out walking I would suddenly realize she wasn't with us, turn around and there she would be way back down the road smelling something.

I really do miss her. It is very quite around here with her gone as she loved to pace trough the house and her little clicking toe nails could be heard every where.

So here is the furry family down to me, Jake dog, The kitties Rose, Thomas, Mike, Magic and Fat Cat. My Jake is just hanging in there and may not be with us much longer, the dread of that I can't even discribe, and then it is the kitties and me but they can be pretty rowdy sometime to so I am sure they will keep me busy.

My two blogs for today.

Maybe I will get back to doing this more.


Entry for September 02, 2008/ The passing of Charlie

Since last I blogged I have lost two of my precious doggies.

Pictured above is my Charlie dog who came to our furry family suffering from brown dog tick virus. I can't spell the name or I would write it out. He succumb to this disease around July forth. The chronic part of this disease can kill dogs and since Charlie was 12 he didn't have a lot of defences to fight it off. He only lived with us for about 9 months but I will still miss him since I had known him for six years before he moved in with us. He was a sweet dog.
