Thursday, December 30, 2010

True Grit

For those of us who are great fans of the old one, I was not dissapointed in the new one. They both have their qualities. The Cohn brothers have stuck very close to the book, where as the john wayne one hollywooded it up a bit but you can't go wrong with a good story which is what they started out with.

It was funny because you could see Jeff Bridges do John Wayne playing Rooster Cogburn at times and then the guys who played Ned Pepper gave his performance a good dose of Robert Duvall who played Ned in the origional.

It was all great though. I recommend both of them.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

new year

I hope all of you have a great new year. It should be not too cold or snowy.

Off to see the new True Grit today. perfect day for it as we are waiting rain and blowy weather. I don't know if I will like it as I am a big fan of the origional and a big John Wayne fan, the actor not the person. Too republican for me.

I don't know how many of you know about the new doggie, I posted all that on facebook where a lot of you are, but. His name is now Jack, no more Happy couldn't deal with that. He and Sadie and the kitties are doing as well as possible. Hope to post some new photos soon. This one I put up on facebook, but now it is here.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Forget the Pastor. Let's Talk About the Extremists to Worry About

From The Huffington Post:

Forget the Pastor. Let's Talk About the Extremists to Worry About.

Yesterday, the extremist pastor of a tiny fringe group in Florida announced that he would cancel what had already become a wildly offensive but also wildly successful publicity stunt involving burning copies of the Koran. It's a relief that the world will not be exposed to endless news feeds of fringe extremists burning religious texts on the anniversary of September 11th. Muslim bashing and book burning is nothing new, but what was especially troubling about this stunt is that it showed just how far off base our national conversation about religious tolerance has slid... and just how much power the Right's anti-Muslim message has over the national media.

In the weeks after September 11, 2001, there was a tremendous amount of understandable anxiety in the air. Not only was fear of another attack very real, but there was a real danger that the rage justly directed at Al Qaeda could overflow into bigotry directed at Muslim Americans.

To be sure, there were instances of ugly rhetoric and inexcusable violence against the Muslim community, but our nation's leaders -- Democrat and Republican alike -- made it perfectly clear that attacking Muslims and their faith was inappropriate and unacceptable. Even as the unity and bipartisan patriotism that immediately followed the attacks evaporated, there were still some lines that politicians wouldn't cross. President Bush deserves all the criticism he got for ginning up fear to push through his destructive agenda, but even he remained steadfast in his belief that Muslim Americans were fully welcome in our civic life.

So much for uncrossable lines.

The month leading up to the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks has been dominated by a callow and opportunistic debate. This debate -- ostensibly about the rights of American Muslims to build a community center a few blocks from Ground Zero -- is really about the rights of Muslim Americans to be just that: both Muslim and American. And it's ultimately about the strength of our allegiance to one of the best, and sometimes the most difficult, of our American values: the conviction that this country belongs equally to all its citizens, not just those in the ethnic, religious, or political majority.

The campaign against the Park51 community center has succeeded in taking strains of extremist Islamophobia and making them mainstream. The "controversy" was concocted by virulently anti-Islamic blogger Pamela Geller and brought to national attention by mainstream conservatives, most notably Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, hoping to ride the scandal to November. Dozens of political leaders jumped on the anti-Islam bandwagon; the complete silence of many others spoke volumes.

It is this careful mainstreaming of Islamophobia that has allowed a small time, extremist Florida pastor's planned Koran-burning to become a national event with international implications. Terry Jones got his 15 minutes even though his Gainesville church has only 50 members. His anti-Islam and anti-gay crusading had previously isolated him as an extremist. But this week, his planned "Burn a Koran Day" drew international attention and pleas from President Obama, Sec. Robert Gates, and Gen. David Petraeus urging him to stand down lest he put our troops in danger and harm the war effort.

Some anti-Park51 crusaders, even Sarah Palin, denounced Jones' dangerous publicity stunt. But the fact is that his actions would attract little attention, and do little harm, if they weren't taking place in the context of widespread and loud Islamophobia encouraged and implicitly condoned by prominent political leaders. Leaders such as Palin could pretend to be tolerant by denouncing Jones' clear extremism, while all the while continuing to push subtler, more pervasive strains of Islamophobia. The suggestion, made by Palin, John Boehner, and by Jones himself that the Koran-burning event and the building of the Islamic Community Center had some moral equivalence is treacherous indeed, implying that somehow the practice of Islam is itself an offensive act. It's this sort of insidious notion -- passed off as a legitimate argument -- that creates the growing level of distrust of Muslims in our society.

While Jones' event has been called off, Pamela Geller still plans to insult the memory of Sept. 11 by holding an anti-Islam march near Ground Zero. Like Jones, she deserves to be marginalized and ignored. Yet instead, her rally has attracted prominent national figures including former UN Ambassador John Bolton and omnipresent blogger Andrew Breitbart -- and, of course, plenty of media attention.

The national leaders who have fueled this zealous mistrust of Muslims, and worked toward making Islamophobia a legitimate political position, have put our troops in harm's way, irreparably injured the war effort that many of them were eager to start, and twisted American values into something very ugly.

The few leaders who have uncompromisingly stood up against what is momentarily popular and for what is unquestionably right -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, General Petraeus, numerous religious leaders -- deserve praise. But it is disturbing that they are so few and far between.

To exploit the memory of the Sept. 11 attacks for political gain isn't just distasteful; it's destructive to the values that bring us together. Political differences are understandable, and democracy requires a thick skin. But assertions that a person, because of his or her religion, race, gender or sexual orientation, can't be fully American are corrosive to a fair and free society. When politicians sacrifice that principle, the vision of America they create is cynical and ultimately very harmful.

Follow Michael B. Keegan on Twitter:

In Rememberence

In rememberence of all those souls, known and unknown, who died in the attack on the United States on September 11th 2001


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's a good thing I have out of town company once in a while. It is the only time my poor home really gets cleaned. It's not that I am a dirty person, it's just that I have never been very big on really cleaning. That down and dirty business about getting the grease off the stove, scrubbing floors, getting the rugs cleaned. Things like that.

Well since my friend is coming from California at the end of September I thought it would be a good idea if I started doing some of these things. With that staying on top of the usual things, like dusting and vacuuming. Since I have clients in my house all the time and I don't want to look like the only slob, I do try to do these things at least once a week, but it doesn't always turn out that way. I do keep my kitchen clean, wash dishes (I am one of the few people who doesn't have a dish washer) clean counters etc because that is the first thing people see when they walk in my home. What fun.

So here I am today working on sorting out where to keep my recycling bins. Since I live in a mobil home, there isn't a great deal of room so things are constantly getting moved around. We will see how long they last near the critters water dishes hidden under the table they eat on. Then I am trying to sort out how to fix these gouges in the kitchen linoleum. I think they may be coming from my vacuum. I have them in the bathroom too. Wouldn't mind so much but they get dirt in them and it's hard to clean, yuck. Back to sweeping the hard floors.

Oh boy, so here I am rattling away, wearing off the three cups of coffee I have had, instead of doing the cleaning. omd I will even blog before I have to clean.

End of dissertation.

You all have a good day

Susan and the critters

Saturday, July 24, 2010


this is my good friend Miss Tess, who passed away very recently. She was a most wonderful doggie, very loving and caring. She was good friends with my Jake doggie, Her mommy is very sad and misses her very much. Me too. Even thought I don't do the god thing I do the other side of the rainbow bridge thing and I know that Miss Tess is there with her Callie kitty and Jake dog and all the other fur kids, playing and running and being the healthy doggie. We miss you dear Tess.

So greetings to you all on this Saturday morning where here it has been raining and overcast for the past 2 days. Everyone in the valley is smiling. I don't think it has gotten out of the 70's. What a beautiful time it is. Hope you are all doing well.

Lots of love


Monday, July 19, 2010

Movie Review

Run and I mean run run run to your nearest theatre and see Inception.

This is without a doubt one of the greatest well made movies ever. It is an overall movie experience. It is not just those special effects you see on the ads. They all happen in the beginning of the movie, oh there are more but they fit so well into the movie that they are just the reality and not something strange. It is suspenseful, oh so suspenseful and a love story too but not of the usual sort. Just impossible to describe, so get out of your chair and go see it asap.

Hi happy Monday.

We are covered with clouds today and I am hoping for rain to break some of this humidity. The evaporative cooler is doing ok so far this morning but it is still sort of cool out. I am thinking very hard of going to check out a window a/c unit. Like I said yesterday I am getting way to old, but what doesn't kill you and all that character building jazz. I'll be massaging people in shorts and a tank top today, not a pretty thought.

Later gators


Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well good Sunday morning to you all.

Been catching up on some blogs. I just love cruising the inbox. Looks like most of you are having a good day.

I am off to see Inception. Got 5 stars from my local movie guy. so I am expecting some serious action. I love Leonardo DeCaprio any way so it won't be a total lose no matter what happens

Saw Sorcerer's Apprentice on Friday, cute but nothing to write home about. Another of those I love the star things and fun gimmicks.

I think it will be better to spend this day, which is suppose to be another 100 + with humidity up to at least 70%, inside a nice airconditioned theatre than in my swamp cooled home. Evaprative coolers don't work to well with humidity. Gots to get me a window a/c unit for times like this. I am getting way to old for this crap.

Hey have a good day all you guys and gals and see you on the turn around

Susan and all the fur kids

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Some Thoughts

First Happy Bastille Day. Whatever

Happy Birthday to my old friend Billy, who passed away many years ago. He is missed.

George Steinbrenner. Strange to think of him as not the owner of the Yankees anymore. My whole time as a Yankees fan when I lived in NYC, that's 20 years, George was the center around which the Yankees spun. His battles with manager Billy Martin were legendary. Managers came and went because George wanted a winning team and most of the time that is what he got. He sure was something. Some will miss him, some certainly won't. I will

Hot summer weather.

Getting ready to paint my front door Cajun Red. Should be wild.

Oil Spills!

Nough said


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Friends

Just got the greatest news that my best friend from long ago, who I had been looking for since we lost touch back in the 70's,( she been looking for me too) well we found each other and have been in touch since last year. We are finally going to get together in September. I am so excited. What a hoot it will be.

There is a great deal to be said for social networking of all sorts because if it was not for Classmates and another old friend I would have never found her. We ,the other old friend, me and the one coming to visit are hoping to get together and have a real rave.  Ah the getting together of old friends is the best.

Wishing luck to Sousonne with her doctors visit today. Happy soon come birthday to Miss Deb the garden gal.

Guess thats about it for this morning.

Good day you all.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independence Day

Enjoy your freedom on this Independence Day.

Happy July 4th


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lite my candle for the Gulf.

What's been going on.

Well two weeks ago, my great friend Hans, from Amsterdam, came to the great city of Phoenix to visit me. I came form the hinter lands to hang out with him in the big city.

He hooked us up a nice couple of rooms in the Marriott Courtyard in the business section of Phoenix, where there are many places to shop, which is what both of us like to do. With in two block walking distance ( I do not drive when I am on vacation) there were four shopping centers. Fabulous. One being my favorite, The Biltmore, nice Macys and a great bucnh of upscale boutigues, great for roaming around. There is also a Cheesecake Factory ( Hans and I love this place) where we meet an old chum of his from highschool in Aruba ( where he hails from) and her husband. We just had the best time. Much food and much wine.

Well when we were not out shopping or eating we were hanging out pool side, nice jacuz also. Just couldn't ask for more. While we were there which was over a weekend the strangest thing happened, the weather turned cool ( for Phoenix) one day it even rained. Never got out of the 90's and the day it rained (for 5 minutes) I don't thing it got out of the 80"s. This is very strange for Phoenix in June. I just guess we did something right.

The whole 4 days just couldn't have been more fun. I was so happy to see Hans. He hadn't been here for 3 years, which is way too long away. Lots of catching up and gossip, gossip, gossip, which we are both very good at. Looks like we will make this a yearly thing.

Attached is photo of Hans poolside. Hope he doesn't mind me posting it.

Have a great day


Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh me look I'm back.

Was talking to an old friend from here on facebook today (where I never go any more) and I realized how much I really miss you all over here. So I'm back.

I will be visiting and catching up on what everyone has been doing. Hope to get a good gabby blog out in the next little bit telling all that has been going on since my post about the superbowl.

Hope all are well,


Monday, February 8, 2010


so who just loved that Superbowl. I was so hoping that the Saints won, just for the reason that everyone did. Katrina. they deserved it and they played a hell of a game. All the right little things to come out ahead. The defense really pulled it off with that interception. That is the way the game of football is played.

And well what to say about the Who. Now that is a real rock and roll band. what is left of it. But it does not matter who is left, Pete and Roger pull together who is there, Ringo's son Zak Starky is on drums and he tips his hat to the late Keith Moon. Wish the Ox was still there but what can y0u do. They were just the best. Made the Rolling Stones and Bruce look like the old men that they are. What a half time.

Well I just tried to burn my house down by leaving a pan on the stove and turning the wrong burned on. Meant to be the kettle was the pan. Not good. I was catching up on facebook and didn't know what was going on until the house started to stink. facebook can be addictive so I decided to come over here and catch up on my blogging.

Hope all out there who are suffering from snow overload are doing ok and all have snow days so yu can stay in the house. Here in Arizona we are having a real winter which just means lots of rain, but this is a good thing if it keeps going like this for the rest of the winter we might get out of this draught we have been in for 14 years. I am so over it.

Check in later.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shelter Animals

Don't forget with the new year upon us that it is time to think of all the poor homeless critters in your neighborhood shelters. Give money or food or blankets and towels. They always need things like that.

Maybe you would want to volunteer and give a helping hand. Maybe walk a doggie.

Make sure to click on my "Help Feed a Shelter Animal" thing on my home page. Every time you click one bowl of food is donated to a shelter animal.

Go on, give out with that big heart and help those poor critters. Who knows maybe you might even take one home with you.

Have a good day


Friday, January 1, 2010

Adopt A Rescued Bird Month

Start:     Jan 1, '10 5:00p
End:     Jan 31, '10

Albert Schweitzer's Birthday

Start:     Jan 14, '10 5:00p

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Start:     Jan 18, '10 5:00p

National Bird Day

Start:     Jan 5, '10 5:00p

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Start:     Jan 21, '10 5:00p

Unchain a Dog Month

Start:     Jan 1, '10 12:00p
End:     Jan 31, '10

The First Day of 2010 meets Doctor Who

A little new look for the new year. Little froggy thing going on there.

Well, happy first day of the new year, being 2010. everyone celebrated some how over the whole world all day yesterday and into the night. I just love that concept. the whold world. very cool.

So now  for my" me me " bit today. Meme is the all about me part. The what I am doing today bit.I am sorting out the sh*t. MY life my house. get it ship shape. not by much of course because I am not a house keeper. I try as best I can.

I am lasping into british speak because I am marathoning with Doctor Who (all bow please). since tomorrow night on BBC america is the last doctor who with David Tennet as the doctor and I know that all doctor who fans out the are freaking. What will happen now, where will the show go, plot wise. anyway since this is happening they have a great marathon going on right up till the David Tennet special starts and  then the end. Thats tomorrow, saturday, so I should be well saturated with doctor who by then. perfect. I am doing everything today in front of the tv. except this , so I must stop and get back to the doctor

Happy new year you all
