Sunday, December 16, 2007

Birthday Wishes

Hey everybody just got here for the first time in a while and I am so excited, what great birthday wishes. Thank you all so much. What good friends. Looks like I will have to buzz around and visit every one. first I have to fix my christams page as it seems that Multiply has eaten my background.

Thanks again.



  1. i remembered to wish you a happy birthday on yahoo, but i forgot to do it here. i'm glad you enjoyed your special day. ; D

  2. Wonderful to hear you had a great day, Susan. :D

    All the best for the future. *HUGS* Trine

  3. Glad you had a beautiful birthday, my friend :-) Pookah sends you bunny-kisses and Squeaky sings to you!

  4. Sorry I overlooked your birthday, Susan. Happy belated birhtday wishes from me. Thanks for leaving such a great comment to my blog. I suppose we do have a lot in common. Were in you in England as well in the 70s-80s?
    Give my regards to your furry friends, and a special stroke each from auntie Dani
