Friday, May 4, 2007

Entry for May 04, 2007 Friday Five, once more

I must have done the one I missed last week yesterday so it seems like today is the one I suggested to Miss Friday Five, how cool, so here we go.

A Green Friday Five

  1. What do you do to aid in conservation of natural resources (aka going green - such as recycling or purchasing 'greener' products?) I bring my own canvas bag to the grocery store, I use my old newspapers to clean up the Kitty littler, I buy energy efficient light bulbs and my favorite thing is I hang my clothes on the line. I do a lot of sheet laundry because I am a massage therapist and In the warm weather all the sheets go on the line. I feel like I am channeling my mother when I do this, all our cloths went on the line, even after we got a dryer.
  2. Do you or would you own a hybrid or electric car (or use public transport?)
  3. If I could afford one I most certainly would buy one, I sort of wish I was back in New York City where I didn't have to own a car, out here it is a problem and I have to drive for work, so when I am not out on a job I try not to get in the car.
  4. What do you think about the possibility of 'going green'? Is it something an average person can do without large sacrifices? Have you considered it?
  5. There are always sacrifices in good things but if you put your mind to it the average person could do many things to go green. A few of the things I suggested help. The most important thing right now is to cut back on things that cause global warming, use efficient energy, get those new light bulbs just doing that alone saves an unbelievable amount of energy. I am only one person so it is easy for me to do these thing. A big family with kids might have a problem but just a few adjustments in each persons life would make a big difference.
  6. What grade would you give your country in regards to it's conservation efforts (A for best and F for definite big problems) and why? Well we certainly know the US gets a big fat F since we are run by oil hungry money grubbing scum who only care about how much money can be made at the expense of the environment and our entire world.
  7. Global warming - feel free to discuss or offer an opinion: is it a man made occurrence or is it something that just happens in cycles on the Earth? It may occur naturally periodically because the earth tends to balance itself out. But what we are going through now is certainly being made worse by us. Ever since the industrial revolution got started we have been working up to where we are now and hopefully we can some how sort this out. It is a shame that so many people in this world only care about their greedy selves and their interests, religion, money, things like that instead of the place we live, that goes and we are in big trouble, if we are not careful we will go the way of the dinosaurs.

Thanks Steph for using my idea for a green Friday, I hope every one has a good time with it.


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