Friday, September 28, 2007

Entry for September 28, 2007

Miss Friday Five wants us to pick "A Few Of Our Favorite Things " this week. Should be fun.

1. Name one movie you think everyone should see. African Queen, best love story/adventure/best actors Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart, best Director John Huston, best movie ever.

2. Name one song you think everyone should hear. Amazing Grace. I am not a religious person but I think this song transcends religion. The message is mind freeing.

3. Name one place you think everyone should see. Scotland, but then I am prejudice. My roots are there and it is the most beautiful place I have ever been and I have been to a few.

4. Name one book you think everyone should read. This is a little harder. For the pure joy of the love of life I say Charles Dickens "Scrooge, A Christmas Carol" A well written little story with a tremendous message.

5. Name one thing you think everyone should experience Not a nice thing, but death of a loved one, two legged, four legged, close or slightly close, it puts a whole different perspective on your life, to the better. Makes you realize the seriousness of the path we all walk, makes you love everything more, care more for others, sometimes to be a little bit more tolerant because it is something we will all share eventually.

Well that sure was a somber way to end Friday Five.

So more cheer and we won't dwell.....

Have a great weekend, hope to be out visiting


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Entry for September 27, 2007/ News From NASA, on the way to the asteroid belt.

Dawn Spacecraft Successfully Launched


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - NASA's Dawn spacecraft began its 3 billion kilometer (1.7 billion mile) journey through the inner solar system to study a pair of asteroids Thursday at 7:34 a.m. Eastern Time (4:34 a.m. Pacific Time).

The Delta 2 rocket, fitted with nine strap-on solid-fuel boosters, safely climbed away from the Florida coastline and launch complex 17B at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. "We have our time machine up and flying," said Dawn Principal Investigator Christopher Russell of the University of California, Los Angeles.

DawnImage right: The Dawn spacecraft launched successfully from the launch complex at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. Image credit: NASA TV
+ Larger view

Dawn is scheduled to begin its exploration of Vesta in 2011 and Ceres in 2015. The two icons of the asteroid belt are located in orbit between Mars and Jupiter and have been witness to so much of our solar system's history.

By using the same set of instruments at two separate destinations, scientists can more accurately formulate comparisons and contrasts. Dawn's science instrument suite will measure shape, surface topography and tectonic history, elemental and mineral composition as well as seek out water-bearing minerals.

A critical milestone for the spacecraft comes in acquiring its signal. The launch team expects that to occur in approximately 2-3 hours.

For the latest information about Dawn and its mission, visit:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Entry for September 26, 2007/ Poetry Wednesday

Aunt Leaf

Entry for September 25, 2007/ A Little Color

Trying to get a little fall color into the picture here.

I am actually starting to think about getting the furnace cranked up for the winter. It gets very cold here at night, but then during the day it can be up to 85, as it was yesterday> The sun is hot but the air is cool. Very strange weather we get here. Right now it is 7:15 AM and the sun is not shining on the house yet and I have socks and long sleeves on. Nice and chilly. I love it.

So you all have a great day. Time to walk the doggies.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Entry for September 23, 2007

Just a quick check in with everyone. I have been going so wacko with all this other blog (?) site business. I have decided it is not for me and I will not be visiting those sites any longer. I am sticking to my old faithful 36o.

Now that is over.

My favorite thing to talk about in Arizona, the weather, right on cue from the equinox it started to rain here yesterday and just finished up this morning. It really is fall now. Even though most would think that 75 degrees is still summer, in northern Arizona it is practically winter. My friend Rick was complaining this morning that it was freezing outside, the blood sure does get thin when you live in the dry heat.

For the first time since it started to get hot I spent the whole evening Friday on my deck with all the kids prowling the yard. Cats and dogs every where. The sunset was the perfect southwest colors, apricot, pink, various shades of blue, of course all of it changing the darker it gets until there was only the moon and the stars, then ever so quietly the clouds started to move in, bringing the wind and what would be the wonderful rain on Saturday. Couldn't have been a better night. Guess I should have taken a picture, but lets see if I have found one on the net or maybe hanging out in my pictures somewhere.


Found something but if this were my back yard there would be mountains and no lights, must try and get a pic tonight.

Have a great day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Entry for September 22, 2007Song Saturday

Take this as you will

Entry for September 21, 2007

We have a Random Friday Five this week, because Miss Five is having problems with Yahoo. So what's new. But I think these questions are fun.

A Random Friday Five:

1. What is your favorite season? Most absolutely right now, autumn is by far my favorite season. the tempature is perfect, in some parts of the world the colors are perfect. In Arizona we get lots of yellows, no reds, but thats OK. the world is still beautiful in Autumn

2. What is your favorite warm beverage? Always a good cup of coffee, but when the weather gets cold at night I love a good cup of hot chocolate, or maybe a hot toddy, makes me sleep.

3. What is your favorite sport or hobby? My hobby is crocheting, I don't do sports but I love watching football.

4. What is your favorite style/type of music? Anything that is good except country western and rap. Love classical and opera these days. Seem to be moving away from rock, weird.

5. What is your favorite thing to do on a cool rainy (or otherwise inclement) Autumn day? Watch football or rummage through my photo collection trying to straighten it out. I think I have been working on it for at least 10 years, one of those never ending jobs but easily done in front of the tv watching football.

Well that was quick. Have a great weekend where ever you all are.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Entry for September 20, 2007

Be kind everyone, don't leave 360 until the bitter end if there is one because I am losing my mind trying to sort out xanga and mash. It took me forever just to get around 360.

Your friend


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Entry for September 19, 2007 Poetry Wednesday

I am going for something light hearted today as last week was a bit much.

So here you go a nice kitty poem by A.A. Milne

Pinkle Purr

By A. A. Milne

Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr,
A little black nothing of feet and fur;
And by and by, when his eyes came through,
He saw his mother, the big Tattoo.
And all that he learned he learned from her,
"I'll ask my mother," says Pinkle Purr.

Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr,
A ridiculous kitten with silky fur.
And little black Pinkle grew and grew
Till he got as big as the big Tattoo.
And all he did he did with her.
"Two friends together," says Pinkle Purr.

Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr,
An adventurous cat in a coat of fur.
And whenever he thought of a thing to do,
He didn't much bother about Tattoo.
For he knows it's nothing to do with her,
So "See you later," says Pinkle Purr.

Tattoo was the mother of Pinkle Purr,
An enormous leopard with coal-black fur.
A little brown kitten that's nearly new
Is now playing games with its big Tattoo...
And Pink looks lazily down at her:
"Dear little Tat," says Pinkle Purr

Sorry I haven't even been around to visit for Art Sunday, Still working on getting the old life together.



Saturday, September 15, 2007

Entry for September 16, 2007/ Art Sunday, Outsider Art

A while back I posted some Outsider Art by a Louis Mason. I was attracket to his work because a good friend of mine was collecting it.

I thought I would post some works of various Outside artists to show an example of the school.

I choose these at random, but they are different styles that I liked.

See what you think.


All this art and other artists can be found onOutside Art Information.



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Entry for September 13, 2007/ More Beautiful Poetry by Mary Oliver

Ok I 'm hooked, here is the one I had really meant to post on Poetry Wednesday but couldn't find on line and I just did so now whoever reads this will get to enjoy it as I did. Note" my yard is full of grasshoppers just chowing down on everything before the end.

The Summer Day

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Entry for September 12, 2007/Poetry Wednesday

Wild Geese by Mary Oliver

Wild Geese
by Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

Mary Oliver's poetry is an excellent antidote for the excesses of civilization," wrote one reviewer for theHarvard Review, "for too much flurry and inattention, and the baroque conventions of our social and professional lives. She is a poet of wisdom and generosity whose vision allows us to look intimately at a world not of our making."

I have started Wednesday early this week because as I said in my previous blog Sept. 11th does not exist for me this year.

I really hope you enjoy this poem. I find that "meanwhile the world goes on" an appropriated statement for today.

Your friend


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Entry for September 11, 2007

Help, help does anyone have any idea why my blog posting is so BIG these days, I can't seem to readjust it.


Help me, now it isn't doing it and go ahead and try and delete a blog you have already written. Yahoo just drives me crazy sometime.

And btw, I have decided today doesn't exist so except for this there will be no comments on Sept 11th. See you all tomorrow for poetry Wednesday. If I can get this blog to cooperate.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Entry for September 07, 2007 Food Friday Five

My computer just ate my first try so lets hope this one sticks around longer.

This is a great Friday Five as I love food. This will be a real fantasy one since I am a vegetarian now.

thought it was time for a fun and fluff Friday Five so here it is. Have some fun with it - who knows what we can all come up with.

Create *your* perfect gourmet meal:

1) What would your appetizer/amuse bouche be? I have a real love for Steamers (clams) and raw oysters so that would be a toss up but since this is a fantasy I will take both.

2) What would be your salad, soup, or vegetable course? Salad, ripe tomatoes with mozzarella and basil dripped with olive oil, veggies, asparagus sauteed in olive oil and lots of garlic, maybe with some onions and red peppers, no soup or maybe french onion.

3) What would be your main entree (and any accompanying side dishes)? Most certainly grilled salmon no side dishes, just lots of salmon

4) What would be your dessert? This is easy, chocolate, pieces of chocolate with pears, Stilton cheese and port.

5) Finally what beverage(s) would you serve with this meal? Wine, red wine with everything, first maybe a Zinfandel, then Cabernet with dinner and then along with the port for the wine and cheese we will have Merlot with the chocolate.

I am so hungry now I better go eat breakfast.

---also feel free to share any recipes if you choose and if you're feeling really frisky wander byDeb's page for Recipe Friday.

If you would like to participate copy the questions and your answers in your blog, leave a comment onThe Friday Five with the link to your blog and I'll put the link to your answers on the blog. Fun, easy, and no time limit.

Let's Play !!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Entry for September 06, 2007/ Questions

I guess I should point out that this is something that le.guillou07 asked me to participate in and I said OK.....
I want to know you better, these are the questions I made for you guys! Have fun…

Here are the questions:

1. Which One are you????? And why??? Forget the why's. We are what we grow into and I believe in nuture as far as this goes. You didn't mention here the insecure inner child, which is me. My parents were very loving and loved my sister and I very much but as a young child we moved around a lot because my father was in the United States Army, we never stayed any place longer than two years until I was at least 17, graduated from highschool and left home and then I was still always changing jobs, moving myself, what ever it just stuck and because of this I have always been afraid of things never staying the way I wanted them to be, big cause of insecurity. So hows that for getting to know someone.

I have put little comments on each one of these.

The Playful Child
That self that is naturally playful, creative, spontaneous and fun loving child. This self longs to play. Many of us have forgotten how to do this without guilt or anxiety that as adults we must be doing something that is worthwhile. a touch of this one

The Spoiled Child
That part of us wants what they want and they want it now, and if they don't get what they want, they throw temper tantrums. Not at all.

The Neglected Child
The child self that was always left alone without much nurturing and love. They don't believe they are lovable or worthwhile. They don't know how to love. They are depressed and want to cry. Not this one either

The Abandoned Child
This child self has been left in some way like divorce or adoption or just left because the parents were kept busy working. They are always fearful that they will be abandoned again and again. This part of the self is starving for extra attention and reassurance that they are safe and okay. This self is very lonely. Definitely not this one

The Fearful Child
This part has been overly criticized when they were small. Now they are anxious and are in panic much of the time. They need lost of encouragement and positive affirmations. a touch of this one

The Unbonded Child
This Inner Child never learns to be close to anyone. They are isolated. Intimacy feels alien and scary. Trust is a basic issue. I trust sometimes too much and then get dumped on.

The Discounted Child
This is a part of the self that was ignored and treated as though they did not exist. They don't believe in themselves and need lots of love to assist and support them.

These are all possibilities of the different Inner Children that might be inside. There are many other selves as well. Perhaps the Ego self, or the self that hold shame, or the self the holds the information that was given to them by their parents or teachers or society as a whole.

Develop the ability to give yourself a profound healing experience. Soothe you Inner Child when he or she is under emotional stress. Use the awareness of the Inner Dialogues that are going on and become apart of the path you are on instead of being lead where you might not want to go. Ultimately you can heal and be a happy person in your life.

2. Here is this situation a car accident what’s your reaction if your partner tell you this???

To my darling husband, or wife…

Before you return from your overseas trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not too bad and I really didn't get hurt, so please don't worry too much about me.

I was coming home from Wal-Mart, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up fortunately came to a halt when it bumped into your car.

I am really sorry, but I know with your kind-hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you my sweetheart. I am enclosing a picture for you.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again

Love you

I would want to know what he really did, cause that whole letter sounds like a bunch of crap.

3. Meditation and other “mindfulness” techniques are designed to help people pay more attention to their present emotions, thoughts and sensations without reacting strongly to them.
Meditators often acknowledge and name their negative emotions in order to let them go.

Do you practice meditation or faith, positive mind? I practice meditation of trying to stay in the now as much as possible.

4. Now, let’s talk about your country. If you were elected president or governor, what would you do for it. What do you really want to change from it??? I am so totally not interesed in politics that this scenario would never happen.

5. What is the happiest of your memories? Why? I sort of answered this question on a Friday Five recently, I have way too many memories to ever figure out which on is the happiest, I don';t believe in "iests", Most of my memories are happy ones, which is a good thing. Of course we all have bad memories too, so it's just life, and so it is all good.

Entry for September 06, 2007/ Luciano Pavarotti Dead at 71

Luciano Pavarotti died today, his beautiful voice will be missed. Here is one of his most famous arias from Puccini's Turandot, Nessun Dorma.

I'm sorry to say that I was never able to see him live, but I have enjoyed many of his performances on PBS Great Performances and listening to him on recordings. Not only was he a great performer but he loved life and knew how to live it. Susan

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Entry for September 05, 2007 / Poetry Wednesday,

For Poetry Wednesday I give you something really silly. The cat featured is my very silly Wanabe.

I'm Only A Cat

I'm only a cat,
and I stay in my place...
Up there on your chair,
on your bed or your face!

I'm only a cat,
and I don't finick much...
I'm happy with cream
and anchovies and such!

I'm only a cat,
and we'll get along fine...
As long as you know
I'm not yours... you're all mine!

Author Unknown

Monday, September 3, 2007

Entry for September 03, 2007/ Colorful Astronomy Picture for Labor Day

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2007 September 3

The Colorful Clouds of Rho Ophiuchi
Credit:Adam Block,KPNO Visitor Program,NOAO,AURA,NSF

Explanation:The many spectacular colors of theRho Ophiuchi (oh'-fee-yu-kee) clouds highlight the many processes that occur there. The blue regions shine primarily by reflected light. Blue light from the starRho Ophiuchi and nearby starsreflects more efficiently off this portion of the nebula than red light. The Earth'sdaytime sky appears blue for the same reason. The red and yellow regions shine primarily because ofemission from the nebula's atomic and molecular gas. Light from nearby blue stars - more energetic than the bright starAntares - knockselectrons away from the gas, which then shines when the electrons recombine with the gas. Thedark regions are caused bydust grains - born in young stellar atmospheres - which effectively block light emitted behind them. TheRho Ophiuchi star clouds, well in front of theglobular clusterM4 visibleabove on far lower left, are even more colorful thanhumans can see - the clouds emits light in everywavelength band from theradio to thegamma-ray.

Tomorrow's picture:martian crater

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Entry for September 01, 2007/ Michaelangelo's David/ I guess you would call this MATURE CONTENT

I have always found it interesting that you see so many nude women post on Art Sunday, from Classical painting to modern, but for some reason there are not many nude males.

So today I give you the most famous nude male in history, the magnificent sculpture of Kind David, preparing to slay the giant Goliath.

Carved by the finest sculptor in past history, Michelangelo Buonarroti, in 1501 the statue of King David has an interestinghistory. From the fact that he did not originally start the statue ,to he depicted David prior to slaying Goliath where as most others showed him standing over the much larger giant having just slayed him. So make sure you read the history.

I give you here 4 views of this work of art, enjoy them. I know I always do.

Have a great Sunday

