Sunday, October 26, 2008

Art Sunday

I don't know what who or why for Art Sunday today, haven't even checked my messages.

I just thought I would post my favorite painting by my favorite artist.

Not sure of the exact title, it is his bedroom in Arles but of course we all know that it is painted by Vincent Van Gogh when he was in Arles, one of his most colorful periods as he slowly lost his mind.

Hope you enjoy my choice for the day



  1. I did enjoy your choice for today! An interesting view, I like it very much.

  2. I really love the vivid colors and whimsical perceptions of VanGogh..thanks for sharing!

  3. it's beautiful! thanks for the art, susan. HUGS

  4. this is one of my favorites and thanks for visiting mine

  5. I love van Gogh, the bedroom is one of my favourite works too, a very good example of how disturbed he was, the perspective and the way we are looking into the interior, bright colours but the view is almost claustrophobic. He painted it when he was at the psychiatric hospital, it's a memory, that's what makes it such a brilliant work, we don't know whether it really looked like that.
    Have a lovely week, hugs.

  6. That is a good one! Hope all is well with you and your fuzzy family. Hugs....

  7. Yes that is a great pic to add. Thank you
