Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night as I stepped on to my front porch wondering if I shold venture into the pounding rain dressed as I was.

For hours my mother and I had been arguing about what I should wear OVER my oh so beautiful Halloween costume as I went into the dark wet night to trick or treat.

Of course Mother wanted the rain coat to cover me " you don't want to catch pnemonia, do you" says my mother. Well of course not but I sure do want to have all my friends see my beautiful princess costume that my mother and I had worked so hard on. All you could see of it now was the tiara on my head.

That's no fun.

" oh Mom, I will be fine, it's not raining that hard and the other kids won't have rain coats" I pleaded. Well of course right at this very moment my other friends were having this same discussion with their mothers. Actually I was still wondering what I was going to carry my loot in. I don't think we had plastic bags back then.

"Maybe I could just carry an umbrella"

"NO" shouted my mother.

"You will wear a raincoat"

So I relented and as soon as I was outside in the rain, open came the coat and by the time I got home, of course after having a fantastic time, I was drenched from head to foot.

The next morning as I lay sick in bed with a terrible cold I thought maybe it might not be such a bad idea to listen to your mother when she tells you to wear a rain coat when stepping into a dark and stormy night.



  1. Why are grown ups always so f---ing right?

  2. Haha,I remember my mother making me do the same thing. At least I had my Casper the Friendly Ghost mask!

  3. Pneumonia is no fun - trust me on that. Trust your mom on dressing for the weather.

  4. Haha, we always thought we knew best and mum was an old fuddy-duddy:)

  5. remember... Mother knows best....lolol

  6. it was snow here
    and the heavy coats came off
    the minute we were out of sight


  7. Fun, & it's usually warm weather down here for Halloween, but rainy sometimes, & the raincoats mothers give you don't do anything at alllll....Whooooo!

  8. My mother is always telling me to wear a raincoat, as I tell my children too. We all happily ignore the advice. Thanks Susan , have a lovely Thursday.Hugs.
