Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day Everyone.

What have you done for your Mother today?

Hang those cloths on the line.

Turn off those lights.

Don't let that water run.

Plant a tree.

Don't drive that car.

Go and give her a big kiss on the grass, if you have any if not go out and breath some of her beautiful oxygen and remember the more trees that are cut done or the more pollution you but in that air the less oxygen there will be and I am sure you know what that means.

Love your blessed Mother Earth



  1. what a beautiful blog! have a lovely day, susan. HUGS

  2. Gus and I took a walk on the nature trail today...we appreciate Mother Nature!

  3. I haven't mowed my grass yet,I only mow it about once a month. I put a bunch of dog hair out for the birds to use for their nests,and I will plant something,but not today - it is so cold and wet out- blah!!

  4. we recycled at work...cardboard, styrofoam, batteries and ink cartridges! Fresh and Easy and Walgreens were giving away reusueable bags.....lots of supprt in our part of Az.....

  5. You woulda loved this customer I had today. They rescue bunnies..They have 11 and they live in their house....they brought me pics of the bunnies cuddled up on blankets on their sofa, some of them sitting on the bottom of the entertainment center....eating lettuce on an accent cute!
